ch 9

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When lin yu woke up next day in bed he was alone  and bed curtains were also low.

He felt sore in his waist. He get up and sit on bed and when quilt slip from his body his naked upper body were visible and all those marks , hickeys were clearly visible on light.

'They did it last night. '
He was originally a teenage boy who just started his high school year and doesn't had experience in any kind of intimacy in his original world.

He blushed more and more thinking of last night activities.

He slowly got up and moved from bed and started getting dressed.

Breakfast was cooked by wen shu .

After getting dressed he went outside and eat the food.
Dishes were also washed by his husband .

He was siting in main room.
When wen shu came back from washing dishes he saw his little wife siting and he has cushion on his back .
He sit beside him and pull him on his lap .

Lin yu blushed and wrapped his hands around his ( wen shu) neck.

" Is strength okay?"
Wen shu asked while rubbing his waist with his big hand .

" Good!" Lin yu noded his head.
"Hmm!" His hands were big and warm under his rubbing he felt relaxed .

After rubbing and massaging for 30 minutes .
Lin yu felt relaxed. Seeing the person in his arms wen shu heart was warm. He rubbed him more for some times.

"Husband! I'll go and get the chick from wai aunty"
Lin yu said to wen shu as they don't get any chickens from wen family. Old lady wen  shared food supplies according to his and his husband share only but she didn't divide any chickens .

"Okay! "
Wen shu was  chopping the wood near firewood hut .He  rolled his sleve and his muscle bulge whenever he raised the axe and chopped the wood.
Lin yu remember how his strong arms were  holding his waist last night  and his face flushed . He hurriedly took the basket and went to wei's house.

He didn't know but he was seen by wen shu. Who was chopping firewood with a smile.

After Lin yu went to the road to wei family house with a basket on a back.
He soon reach there as their house was only few houses away.

He called out outside the gate.
"Wei aunty!"
Wei aunty was cleaning the yard when she heard his voice.
She saw him smiled and said loudly.
" Oh wen shu's wife! Come , come inside.!"
Lin yu replied and went inside.

Wei aunty also placed the broom on wall.
And wash her hand and pulled a chair for him to sit.
" Sit ! I'll go bring your chicks for you!"
Wei aunty said and went  towards the backyard.

Lin yu nodded  took the stool and sit .
He has come to wei house before with wen shu. Wei family son wei lan was his husband's friend. They were close friend and he also come to help to build their house .

"Sister in law!" Wei lan called out to Lin yu when he saw him in yard.

Lin yu replied politely and then wei lan went to his room as lin yu was ger and he as a man can't talk with him alone.

After a some minutes wei aunty also came back with chicks and showed it to Lin yu.

Lin yu touch the fluffy chicks head and smiled.

" It's good! Wei aunty here !"
Lin yu handed the money to wei aunty for 6-7 chicks.

"Hey , it's good that you like it . Come and  chat with your wei aunty more in future!"
She said loudly.

Lin yu nodded this wei aunty was sure very friendly and he has loud voice.
He felt like his ear will get buzzed if he heard her voice more.

" Aunty I'll go then!"
Lin yu placed the chicks on his bamboo basket and bid farewell to wei aunty.

"Walk slowly!" Wei aunty also see him off .

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