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Wen shu look at his back after seeing went out of room he turn his gaze towards old lady wen .

Old lady wen look at their interaction. She click her tongue towards Linyu back.
"Don't spoil him he will get in high sky " she was really annoyed with them .
"He is just's not something new everyone us when they get ....." she was continuously belittle and  bad mouthing Linyu . Remembering the mid autumn festival fest she got more annoyed  .
"He is just lazy to do ..." Her words cut off by wen shu cold voice.

"What did you come for?'' his brow furrowoned in anger he stare at old lady wen coldly .

Seeing wen shu cold eyes and dark face she gulped. the resemblance of him and old man wen  when they get angry make her scared . She swallow her scolding in her throat.

"Ahem!..she coughed to hide her tension and then said to him
"I just came to visit .."
She said and tried to avoid looking at his dark eyes.

"Don't pretend" Wen shu words made old lady wen excuse ineffective.
Zhuzhi beside her hold clutch her cloth in knees.
She really didn't dare to say anything or interefere after seeing wen shu face.

"What pretend?..i don't need to pretend I just came to visit ..( avoiding his eyes ) .visit Linyu as he is pregnant..came to tell him about things related to it " she said and then stretch her back like a good mother who was happy to help his daughter in law during this time.

"What advice you come to give after all this month's ?" Wen shu brow furrowoned more he question her coldly.

"I-i " old lady wen sweat little she wipe her forehead and then look at him.

" it's his fault to not come and ask me ?" She played the victim and tried to play pittifully with him but wen shu didn't dazed .

"Tell me what you came here for ?...don't lie!"
Wen shu was annoyed to attend them .

Looking at wen shu who look tall and straight siting posture his demanior is really something just like his amu despite being sickly ger he was in ground to sky comparison with her.
She sneered in her heart and then said.
"It's last month of year and during this winter months farmer usually doesn't get income's tough nowadays" after a pause
"Give me some silver teals'll be new year eve soon it's all expenses to buy things " she said and showed her palm to him indicating to get silver.

Wen shu stare at her .looking at her palm. He feel more cold towards her. She never accepted him as his child when his amu was alive she hated him after his amu she bullied wenshu and now behave like that towards Linyu .

"I'll talk with father " wenshu said

Old lady wen  wrinkle her brow
"What you mean? don't believe me ?...if I said give me then just give me " she slapped the table and scolded him in loud voice.

Linyu frown outside the door he knew old lady never like wen shu .hearing her colding wen shu in loud voice. He enter the room and put the tray in table.

"Mother drink it " he put his cup and then handed the cup to wen shu who look at Linyu .
"Take it's hot " Linyu softly said and later took it.

"Eldest wife you tell him to hand over money to me " she said and took the cup to drink.

"Carefull it's hot!" Linyu said after seeing old lady burn her mouth with hot tea.

"You should be careful!" Linyu said and lift her lips in a arch " with tea and words also !"

"Augh..cough!" Zhuzhi choked on her sweet in throat .Linyu passed him tea .

"What you mean?" Old lady wen gaze at him angrily.

"I mean shouldn't lie mother ..didn't you just bought the bracelet and hairpin "
Linyu slowly said and his every words make old lady angry.

"You-you mean I'm lying and robbing you out of money hah?" She asked her voice raised more.

"What lying ?I'm just telling the truth mother.!" Linyu sip the tea and smile little .

Wen shu was enjoying all this from side.
He hold Linyu waist and later smile at him.

"You are the one who was showing off to other about it now you want me to believe that you are short of money on house " Linyu raised his eyebrows and smirk seeing old lady puffed up face in anger.

"You-u " she pointed her fingers towards him to scold him but seeing wen shu beside him cold gaze she stop .

"I'm with child.. didn't you said it's more expense with a extra member after my marriage next day.. so we have to be careful with money then as my husband is the one who earn with his hard work .if you guys really having hard time we will help you but "
he look at her .his eyes filled with cold and anger towards her.

"Behave properly towards my husband next time ..don't think you can behave as you used to our family has separated and we are not in debt to you specially to you old lady "

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