ch 81

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After a lunch at wenshu house all people went away.
Wei aunty wants to stay and help out but wenshu decline her.
He already asked what thing needed to be care for. After that he clean the house and wash the soiled sheets and quilt .
Cleaning the room they needed for confinement in these days for Linyu he already prepare things in room.

After making dinner he feed Linyu as he was not allowed to move from bed.

Baby usually fall asleep after his feed and cried only whenever hungry or soiled his daiper.

Linyu couldn't move out of bed and his lower body wound will take time to heel.

He simply lay on bed all the time.
Wenshu was beside him to not make him feel lonely and bored.
At night baby woke up from time to time both were new for this .wenshu make some mistakes but after a few time he got hang of it.
Now he can make baby fall asleep and change his diaper without much difficulty like his first time.

Linyu look at the wenshu face he didn't get to sleep much as whenever baby cried or soiled his diaper wenshu carried the baby in room and do all the work.linyu was easy on sides as he feed him and other work wenshu did .he serve both diligently these days.

After a week Linyu will move from bed and move around little.
He will just walk little as wenshu will do all work and not let him do anything.

"Drink the water " wenshu bought the brown sugar water for him as it was good for post pregnancy.

"'s hard work for you husband " Linyu look at his face. He has got dark circle under his eyes as he didn't get to sleep much these days.

"Where ??'s all simple then your pain " wenshu put the soft cushion on chair and make Linyu sit on it he covered him with quilt .all the door and window of main room was closed but he still take precautions.

"I really want to take a bath and wash all these sweat  and smell" Linyu wrinkle his brows.
During this week's wenshu wipe his body daily with warm water but he didn't get to bath .

"Where?  you are all clean ..not smelly " wenshu chuckled and bring the spoon closer to his lips
"Drink "

"Umm" Linyu drink it .
After feeding him wenshu wash the bowl and walk back to room with him.

"Few more days then you can walk outside " he kiss his forehead and sit with him on bed.

"Hmm..then I can help you in work ..see you are all dark circle because of lack of  sleep " Linyu muttered and bite his jaw.

"Aww" wenshu pated his head to stop Linyu from biting.
"Hehe "Linyu giggle he rub the teeth marks .
"You " wenshu stop his words seeing baby movement In crib.

"Oh look he is awake " Linyu coo over his baby .
Wenshu also smile he hold the baby and put it on his lap.
"It's eyes just like you wife " wenshu caress baby head gently.
After three days baby open it's eyes. Wenshu was melted on point seeing baby eyes resemblance Linyu eyes.

"Yess..he got your handsome feature and my beautiful eyes ..our baby dumpling " Linyu hold baby cheek gently.
Baby look at them with his cute eyes to both adult in front of him.
As recognizing the smell on linyu he wave his small hand to him.
"Ohh our baby wants to come to mama " Linyu hold him and peck his face.

"Well both daddy and baby both wants to come to mama " wenshu  lean his face closer to linyu.

"Really ??..Linyu smile .

"Yes" wenshu noded hurriedly.
Linyu chuckled and give a long peck on his cheeks.
"Hehe " wenshu laugh and hug them both on his arms .
Baby silently lay on linyu arms.he look at wenshu .he move his chubby hand and grab his cloth little .

" cute look husband he hold your cloth " Linyu was smiling sweetly .

"Hmm.".wenshu put his one finger closer to baby hand and he grab it. he smile and hold both precious people tightly on his embrace securely.

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