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Linyu was in room sewing a baby cloth with aunt Shen. She also bring her daughter with her.
Wenshu put the tea and sweets on table and went outside.

"Hold this side and fold it little " aunty Shen guide from side .Linyu did what she said and beside him shen ming daughter of aunt Shen was embroiderying handkerchief.

"It's beautiful!" Linyu look at the half finished pattern on handkerchief which is of Mandarin ducks .
Shen ming smile "thnku ..your craft is also good."
"Well not much as yours " Linyu laugh and they talk while sewing.

Wenshu went to carpenter song with wen shin  who meet him halfway.
They will carry back the boxes and almirah they ordered for ringer dowry.
They both walk silently.wen shu usually don't talk much except with Linyu and his some friends he rarely share some words with others .
Wen shin spoke first to brake the silence.

"Elder is eldest sister in law ?"

Wenshu walk beside him he didn't turn his head to him. "He is little weak from vomiting !"

"Oh !..hey don't worry it will be gone soon after wife also suffer a lot during her time ..she will eat sour things more and like to smell wet soil " wen shin said and glance at him.

Wenshu thought about Linyu when he heard his words. Linyu also eat sour and ask for sweets more nowadays. "Hmm!"
He hummed and soon they reach the carpenter song house.

"Uncle !"

"Hey ! both came ...come sit " uncle song was covered in saw dust. He pulled the seat for them and shout inside the house.
"Wife ...bring water for wen boys !"

He sit with them.
"I was just about to send gucheng to your house came on time "
Uncle song patted the dust and took the water from his wife.
She served the water to them. Holding the empty tray on her hand . She stand beside his husband .
"In three days rin ge'r will get still feels like yesterday when he used to come to our house an play with xiao yu "
She remembered the days and got emotional.
Other silently look at her.
"Look at my brain ..I got emotional over old things's good that ringer will start his new life ..." She smiled and uncle song hold her palm and comfort her .

"Well you are right aunty ... sometime I also feel sad about parting with our sibling ..he was the one who always cheer and laugh more on house."
Wenshin said and wenshu just listen but didn't interfere.he wasn't emotional but thinking of his younger twin siblings who were only 10 when he went to military. He remember the time with them .his thoughts interfere when aunty song called him.

"Wen shu I heard Linyu is pregnant!"
She asked him excitedly.

"Yes ..he is almost one month !" Wen shu said and his dark eyes glow thinking of his little wife and future baby.
"Hey..that's good news.. congratulations" uncle song patted his shoulder and said in loud voice.

"Thnku " wenshu replied politely.

"In initial days will be hard for him.. remember to take good care of him during this time and if you don't understand something come to me ..I'll help you out "
Song aunty said heartily . It's  always a good thing to give new life .

"I'll remember your kind words aunty ...thnku " wenshu politely said and after that they carry back the almirah first .

At house

"Third and fourth you both go and bring other thing from carpenter...eldest you come inside "
Old man wen ordered them and then move to his room.

"Only few boxes and table is left ..I'll join you later " wenshu said to wen xiangru and went to old man wen room.

Old lady was in kitchen after the mid autumn festival dinner she will help little in housework as to make old man happy.
She look at the back of wenshu . She didn't know why old man called him to his room. She was curious and want to know but if she eavesdrop and get caught then old man will scold her again. She snorted to him and chopped the vegetable in kitchen.

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