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Fu yuanxun with his family move to their village. They have  5 family members.
Uncle and aunty fu and fu yuanxun wife and him and his ger younger sibling.
Linyu got acquainted with them as his wife and younger sibling was ger.
Fu yuanxun wife was pregnant of 5months and with Linyu he also do  sewing for baby clothes , they become good friends. Wenshu was happy for Linyu as now he have friends to talk and spend time.

Time passed Linyu was now 3 months pregnant .his little convex belly was not much visible in his thick clothes.

They were in main hall with fu family ger' fuxin.
Linyu was embroidering baby tiger shoes while Xin was beside him .
Xin drink the tea and laugh seeing linyu chewing the tamarind snacks
"It's good that you like it but remember to not eat more than one in a day "
He reminded Linyu as he was about to take another one.

"Oh!..Linyu was little dejected his morning sickness was not so severe as before he can eat and not retrech so much like before but he smile quickly as it was all for his baby.

"Wen shu !"
They were talking when they heard the voice from outside.

Linyu put the clothes on basket and went out. Fu Xin follow behind him.

"Brother wei !" Linyu saw him on half open gate
"Come inside ".

"Sister in law..where's wen shu ?" Wei lan walk to yard but didn't saw wen shu figure.

"He is not home now ..sit I'll make tea for you "
Linyu walk to kitchen. Fu Xin was behind him .
He knew wei lan before as he became acquainted with his brother.
"Brother wei !" He greeted him and then went to kitchen with Linyu.

Wei lan was about to decline as he came to look for wen shu but seeing fu Xin here he sit and noded to him.

"Go serve it to him!" Linyu handed him the cup and Xin take it with him.

Linyu look at the back of him and raised his eyebrows his lips lift little in a arc.
This wei lan was interested in fu Xin from the day he saw .

"Brother wei " fu Xin handed him the cup.

"Okay!" Wei lan took it he look at fu Xin .their fingers touch each other .
He smile looking at fu Xin  embarrassed face.
Linyu was enjoying this from side.

"You came to look for wenshu why ?" Linyu sit on chair and pull fu Xin to sit opposite of wei lan.

Wei lan look at fu Xin infront of him . His fingers feel hot.
He drink tea and then look at Linyu
"Sister in law ...I was going to town with fu yuanxun so came to ask if he will tag along "

"Oh!" Linyu noded .
Fu Xin didn't look at infront of him.
He feel wei lan gaze on him.
His head lowered he stare at his toe.

"I'll go now ..." Wei lan finish drinking and stand up to go.
"Okay..walk slowly" Linyu said and later look at him.
Linyu single him from his eyes later understood.

He went out and fu Xin beside him finally lift his head.
"I'll go now "he  said and then went out.

"Looks like it's time to drink wei lan wedding wine " Linyu smirk and close the door.

At road to his house fu Xin met wei lan.

"Brother wei ?" Fu Xin look at wei lan who was walking beside him.

"I'm going on same road ..let's walk together"
Wei lan said as pretending he didn't wait for him here and met by chance.

"Okay!" Fu Xin walk beside him.

They didn't talk just walk quietly . One who keep glancing at his and other under his gaze didn't dare to lift his head .

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