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After the labour Linyu was tired and exhausted. Wenshu smile looking at the Linyu and their baby sleeping in bed peacefully.
He went out of room.

"Wenshu !" Old man wen who wait on yard  went to him seeing him out.
"How's him??" He asked

"He is sleeping " wenshu said and then glance at the people on yard. All the wen family member came .

"How's the child ??" Old man ask

"Baby is also sleeping it's a boy .Linyu work hard to give birth " wenshu eyes was filled with adorness for his baby and wife.

"Good it's good that both are safe " old man patted his back and smiled big.

"Aunty ming have more sweets " wanxing serve her tea .after they came they help wei aunty to serve midwife.

Wenshu sit with old man and other on yard.
Old lady wen also came she glance at the room .

"Why didn't you prepare anything to serve midwife ??.. making outsider help out "
she mutter last words .wei aunty was stronger then her she will always make old lady wen shut whenever both sides argued .

"Hey it's my blessing to help out and wenshu is like my own son as a mother it's my duty to help ..not like some to complain "
she said in her loud voice and patted her thigh .
Old lady made ugly face but didnt dare to argue back.

"Aunty thnku for today ..I didn't know what to do without you " wenshu sincerely appreciate wei aunty help today .

"Hey what thnku are you's my duty to help you..don't worry I'll handle this much easily"

"Yes yes dont be formal with us wen shu " wei lan hug his shoulder and said cheerfully.

"I'll bring some soup for Linyu to eat " fu Xin bring the soup and about to go their room.

Wenshu stop him
"He is sleeping ..bring it  later "

"Okay " fu Xin put the bowl back .

"Aunt ming thnku for today " wenshu handed her the big red envelope in his hand .

"Hey its my duty to do this ..go take care of your fulang now " midwife smile big holding the big red envelope.

Wei xiangru drove her back to her village in cart.

Linyu in room was sleeping but woke up feeling the movement in his arm.

He look at the baby .he wriggle little and his little mouth wobble.
He patted it slowly but baby cried .

"Wah wah "
Linyu sit and carried the baby in arm.

Wenshu walked inside hearing baby cry.
"You woke up " he sit beside the bed and hold Linyu cheeks.

linyu smile .

"I tried to make him sleep but he cried "

"Give me I'll do it.. you sleep " wenshu took the baby. carrying it stifly in his arm.

Linyu look at his posture and chuckled
"Carrying it like a wood will not make him calm"
As the Linyu say baby cried more in his arms.

"It's hungry !" wei aunty came inside the room behind her  fu Xin brought the bowl of soup for Linyu.

"You hold him properly"  wei aunty guide wenshu  how to hold properly and baby cried relax little.

"Linyu feed him and remember to pat his back after feeding to make him burp"
Wei aunty tell Linyu about it.

Fu Xin look at the baby on wenshu arm .he moved near the bed  "drink some nourishing soup ..good for health" he smile at Linyu and
Put the soup bowl on low table beside bed.

"I'll do it sister in law " wenshu replaced fu Xin and after puting the baby on linyu arms slowly he took the bowl and scoop the spoonful of soup .

"I'll feed you soup can feed him " wenshu blow out on spoon and then bought it closer to lin yu lip.

Linyu look at the people on room .
He open his mouth to drink and smile at his silly hubby.

"You guys carry on ..Linyu after feeding you rest. baby will fall asleep after his tummy full " wei aunty smile and walked out of room with fu Xin.

"Drink " wenshu again  feed him. Linyu untied his upper cloth . Bring his nipple closer to baby mouth.
Seeing the baby drinking milk he smile .
"It's cute " wenshu said .

"'s really cute ..our baby " Linyu caress baby head gently .

After the baby was full Linyu patted his back baby fall asleep.

Wenshu put the empty bowl on table and wipe Linyu mouth with wet handkerchief.
He carried the baby crib to their bed .
After puting the baby gently in crib he patted him little to make him sleep .
He sit beside Linyu and hug him. both look at the baby sleeping while cuddling.

"Husband what about the name ??" Linyu ask and put his head in his shoulder.

"Wen xingshu !" Wenshu hold Linyu hand and interlock the fingers .

"Xingshu's good " Linyu look at the baby sleeping and called his name "xingshu "

"Hmm..sleep now you are also tired " wenshu make him lay and gently pated him.

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