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Linyu was expecting this from earlier lunch talk and was prepared for it but his eyes couldn't hold back his tears.

Wen shu wipe his tears gently .
He look at Linyu ..his love ,life everything was him now he also give him another precious gift.
He gently hug him and then patted his head gently. Linyu hug his waist.

"Ahem!" Tang uncle fake cough to bought their attention to him.

Linyu leave wenshu and blush little .
Wen shu also look at the doctor tang.

"Uncle said Linyu is not sick now ?..,what this mean?"
Asked in his deep voice.

Tang uncle call his wife  who help him in dispersing medicine . he explain to him and Linyu :

"Well your wife isn't sick now but he will get  little uncomfortable in coming days's normal in's called morning sickness ...some get vomit smelling heavy smell ....or he will crave something weird just remember to not gave cold food and try to not make his mental health bad as these days mood swings is common ...don't get angry or hard with him ....."

He explain calmly to them . Wen shu amo and him were good friends and he took wen shu as his own son .if he didn't explain to linyu these things he is afraid that the old lady wen will not tell him anything given his attitude towards wenshu.

"Okay thnku uncle tang and tang amo!" Wen shu politely thanked them.

Tang amo hold Linyu hand and said
"Linyu ..after wen shu mother I never see him happy until you arrive ..thnku ..take good care of wen shu and your as you are not alone now!"

"Don't worry ..." Linyu smile

Tang amo took Linyu aside to disperse fatel gas medicine for him while tang uncle smirk evilly at wen shu and said in low voice.
"Wen boy .. remember to take good care of your body now "
Wen shu got confuse Linyu was carrying their baby so he should take care of him more but why tang uncle told him to take care of his own body.

"Uncle what you mean?" He asked

Tang uncle smirk and said
" your fulang is pregnant during this time they will have extra need of something's should be careful ......(he raised his eyebrows) your body is in good health more strength nourishing food you will not be tired easily then !"

Wen shu look at his face and the words he understood his meaning but he was worried for Linyu as he was pregnant

"But he is pregnant "
"Don't worry ...gers have extra need for these during this time ...after two months pregnancy you can do it just take extra care of his body !"
He explain after giving the fees both went out.

"What did doctor said Linyu ?" Zhang amo asked

"I'm with baby!" Linyu said with blush

"Oh congratulations "
Congratulations" Zhang amo smile and other villagers also congratulated them.

Ringe'r was waiting outside he was happy hearing his news.

"Congratulations eldest brother and sister in law !"
"I'm going to be uncle again !" He said and giggle .

"Let's go back !" Wen shu said and hold his hand

"First go to old house " Linyu said wen shu pause and after sometime noded his head.

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