[01] - off limits

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"You're wet"

Those are the first words my brother and his brilliant brain decide to mutter as he sees us. Me and my best friend, Lizzie, back from our one month vacation.

"That's what she said" Liz winks.

Dealing with these two is like trying to get a baby to stop crying. Annoying, impossible and tiring. A combo I've put myself through over the years.

Now even more since we're moving into my twin's college. That's kinda the thing, most twins are inseparable and love to do everything together.

Others, like me and Santi, love each other just the same but like their own space. Well, at least I do. I can't lie and say he's not thrilled by the idea of keeping a closer eye on me.

That's exactly what I'm going to miss. The freedom I had in my other college. There was no Santiago Rivera there to ruin my fun.

"I'm not playing matchmaker for you, blondie" my brother's words bring me back to reality and I roll my eyes at the topic.

"Ugh, don't be a pain in the ass with that off limits bullshit" Liz grunts.

"You're off limits for anyone on the team, they can't have any distractions this season" he argues causing both of us to roll our eyes playfully.

My brother was never too annoying when it comes to my love life, as long as it wasn't with anyone from his teams. As captain he hates when the players aren't fully focused.

"Don't forget that rule also applies to you, mister" Liz points out.

"At how dry his love life is, I'm sure it won't be a problem" I comment, flashing my brother a mocking grin.

"At least I wasn't the one who got cheated on by a fucking bobfish" he retorts, causing me to flip him off.

The piece of shit by brother is so kindly talking about is my ex boyfriend, Ezra. We dated for a little more than a year until I found him fucking our teacher. Yup, you read that correctly.

If I am to be fully honest, it didn't hurt me as much as maybe it should've. I did not love him, but that's merely because I don't think I'm capable of it.

It was just easy, a nice company for lonely days. So when I caught them there was no pain, no ache in my heart. I just felt disappointed with myself. Because I didn't see it coming, because i let him paint me like the one who wasn't enough.

"Hey, we do not talk about that excuse of a person here" Liz complains as she throws flour to his face.

"You did not just do that, blondie" he pokes his tongue against his cheek.

"What if I did?" she challenges with her arms crossed and chin up.

Not even seconds later they start a flour fight and i retreat myself to the living room. Two children is what those two are. I should've gotten an award for sticking up with their asses at this point.

Instead I lay in the big ass couch of our living room and scroll down through Instagram. A few funny videos come up and I waste no time sending them to Liz, even though she will only see them in two months.

She's got a very serious problem when it comes to answering texts. It's impossible with her. I can't even imagine the long list of guys she leaves on read daily because she's too lazy.

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