[51] - i wish he was here

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With everything happening at the moment, the last thing I needed was my mother telling me I had to come home as soon as possible.

But as proven before, life is not about what we want. So here I am on my way back to the house I grew up in. It's funny really, as I have almost no affection to such place.

Then again, how could I when some of the people who also lived there only made it worse? Not the time to wine about your shitty parents, Kiki. Right, let's just get this over with.

I step out of my car and grab my purse. Sending a quick text to Callum saying I've arrived I put the phone back in my pocket. While I've been a little more distant from the others guy, i can't deny Scotty ended up growing a little too much on me.

Besides he already knew things before anyone else. Makes things easier and it's not so hard to talk with him. About it or anything else.

The sound of another door closing has my eyes flying to my right. Which I instantly regret when I see Santi getting out of Stone's car.

My throat dries and my whole body freezes. They don't notice me for a couple seconds but when they do...oh boy. Awkward.

Against my better judgement, I lock gazes with Damien and my world shudders. Somehow he's gotten even more handsome in the last couple days.

He's always been hot as fuck and even more gorgeous. But there's something about Stone. I can't really explain it, he's just beautiful.

Yet I don't miss the way he looks like he hasn't slept in ages. Or the way his hair probably is missing a brush. My heart clenches at that. There's no way it's because of me-

"Kiki." Santi is the first to talk.

Swallowing, "I will meet you inside"

The last thing I see, from the corner of my eyes, is Santi shaking his head at his best friend. My mind dares to wondered what that was about but I quickly cut it off. Again, not the time.

Brushing every thought out of my mind, I pull the door handle and step inside the house. A cold and weird breeze embraces my body as I make my way towards the living room.

The whole ride here I tried to figure out what my mother could possible want but nothing came to my mind. It's probably just another of her dramas.

Maybe she found out me and Stone aren't in the best of terms and wants to complain about it. Tell me to get back together with him.

I flinch. There's nothing to get back together to though, cause we were never actually dating. Pushing the hurt it leaves in me, I swallow as I enter the room.

My eyes first find my mother's. Then they lock with my father's. Wait, what?! Blinking a few times, I try to make sure I'm seeing right. When he's still there I pinch myself. Still there.

"So what's this whole thing about?" Santi's voice echos across the house.

Frowning from getting no response he joins us and his face drops at the sight of our father. Then his frown turns into a glare.

"What the fuck is he doing here?!" he shouts and my mother trembles.

That causes my attention to return to her and I notice her dark eyes. "What happened?" she locks gazes with me.

"Kids, you should sit down" my father suggests.

"Hello?! Why is he here?!" Santi looks between me and the other woman on the room.

"We're here for both of you, Santiago." as if the universe wants to prank us, Eric enters the room.

"I asked him to come, not you" my mother mutters with a harsh tone.

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