[53] - i missed him

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Never once did I thought my own brother would be dragging me to one of his games. Or anywhere else to be honest.

But here we are, rushing through the long corridors. At some point we reach the entrance to the stands and the loud and familiar cheers burst through my ears.

We find the girls and they run to hug me. I haven't been ignoring them but I'm general I've been a bit off.

"H e l p  m e" I plead with a a desperate look.

"Please do, help putting some sense into her head" Santi corrects and I glare at him.

Lizzie gives nudges me, "This is good, being out of that depressing room of yours. Besides there's a really hot player in there who will be happy that you're here"

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just call him hot" Santi frowns at his girlfriend and then turns to me "But she's right tho, he will"

"I don't think-" my words get cut off my someone in the back.

"Freckles!" Callum lifts my body into a tight hug.

With the corners of my lips curling I say "You're suffocating me" he doesn't let me go until Collins gently pulls him away. Both him and Zeke greet me as well.

"I knew you wouldn't miss our last game" Collins flashes me a big and wide smile.

My chest clenches. "Are you guys nervous?"

"Me? Please, never" Tyler shakes his head.

"He hasn't shut up about it in hours" Zeke reveals with a tired expression "But we have pretty good chances of winning"

We keep chatting for a couple more minutes before the boys finally walk away to get changed. Quells and Lizzie drown me in questions and affections in the meantime.

To say I'm not nervous would be a big lie. Not only because this is a big moment for my brother and the boys, but because he's here.

My heart is already beating and haven't even seen him. My fingers are tickling and I shouldn't even be here.

I'm not ready to face Stone yet. What will I say? He deserves an explanation, but that doesn't mean I'm not still in an internal debate.

"There they are!" Lizzie says.

My gaze snaps towards the rink and my body instantly freezes. The first I see is that thirteen written on his jersey. Then my eyes move up to his features.

Fuck, I've missed looking at that face. I've missed all of him. More than I want to admit. More than I probably should for my own good.

Damien looks frozen in the same trance as me until Santi claps his shoulders and shoots him a knowing grin. The blue eyed boy glances once more at me before averting his attention back to the game.

If my presence here is a good thing or not, I'm not sure. Hopefully he will know that a part me of me, deep down, wants to forget about everything else and show him that I'm here for him.

It's his big night. His big game. Where else could I be? He's been there in my big moments as well. It's only fair I'd come. Even if I was a bit hesitant and resistant towards Santi.

"Wanna bet the final score?" Quells suggest with. wicked grin.

"You know it" Lizzie nods confidently "Pretty sure it will be 5-1, for us"

"These are the best teams of the season, no way we won't suffer at least two pucks" Quells shakes her head in disagreement "I think it will be 5-3"

"As long as we win" I shrug.

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