[28] - the after

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The next morning I wake up with Callum still in my bed. Ironic, how I had sex with Stone but Callum is the one I actually slept with.

Feeling bad for not being truly sincere with my new best friend, I nudge his arm strong enough to wake him up.

"You're an horrible bed sharer, I felt your feet kick me all night freckles" he grumbles, not yet fully awake.

I gasp. "I did not!"

"Did too. I almost fell three times" rolling my eyes at the drama queen, I stand up from the comfy mattress.

Just then, I almost trick on my own foot due to the soreness of my legs. Motherfucking Stone. Barely able to walk, I reach my nightstand and take one pill for the pain.

Callum eyes me suspiciously but I do my best to hide any proof of last night's events in my face. I'm gonna need my best poker face if I want to survive the rest of the day.

"Here I was thinking to share all the gossip with you, guess you prefer to roast me out" I shrug, knowing this will get him to stop complaining.

Maybe I do move a little at night, but so what? It's my bed, if he has a problem he shouldn't have slept the night! Tsk tsk, I'm now being judged by the way I sleep too. Life's hard babes.

"Get back here and tell me everything, Kiara Rivera" him using my whole name has me laughing loudly.

"Fine" I give in, deciding to tell him while I choose my clothes for the day "So after the beer pong game, Mackbitch had to make an appearance and started to be all over him"

"She gets on my nerves" he groans and i nod in agreement, meeting his eyes over my shoulder.

I continue, "Not in the mood to stand there and watch it, I tried to find my room. The thing was, I entered Stone's room not mine and the bathroom was locked" his eyes widen with both curiosity and amusement.

"Tell me he ditch her and followed after you" he straightens himself on the bed.

"He did" I nod receiving a wink in return "We kinda had a back and forth. Then he asked me repeatedly to tell him we didn't want each other but I couldn't, cause that would be a lie"

"What happened then?"

"At midnight, he kissed me and then we fucked"

I wait for his reaction but all I get is a pillow thrown in my face. As soft as the object might be, I feel my head get a bit dizzy before I recompose myself. Is this idiot for real-

"You had sex with Damien Stone?!" he whispers yells.

"Keep your voice quiet!" I scold him.

"Sorry, I'm just in utter shock. How was it??" his grin only grows wide when he notices me biting my lip "That good?"

Flip off both him and his wiggling brows i say, "Yes it was that fucking good. The perfect one night stand"

"What?! No!" I frown at his words "You two have unmatched chemistry, why not explore if"

"Are you hearing yourself?" I deadpan "That chemistry is gone now. Vanished. There's nothing there anymore. Nada."

I'm serious. My whole body feels like a whole weight was taken off it. Like everything is back to how it was.

"But-" I cut him off.

"No, no and no. Seriously Scotty, this was what I needed. Besides I still don't like the guy" I remind him in matter of factually.

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