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five months later


It's over.

All the happiness. The waking up with a smile on my face. The share of good moments I wish I could go back to. All completely gone.

Summer has passed in a blink of my eyes and taken my peace with it. Now I'm back at the entrance of college, wishing I could go back to my bed.

Being back within these walls is almost depressing, but I tell myself this year will be even better than the last.

To start, I'm finally having my dorm. Yup took a whole year, but we got here. I'm dying to know who my roommate will be.

The group has been needing one more girl around. Besides we've been in this serious mission of getting Zeke a girlfriend. The poor guy is the only single one.

Once I find the door with the number they gave me, I take a long breath. The beginning of something good. Reaching for the door handle I get ready to open the door-

"This is what we're going to do, sunshine" a low voice is heard from inside "You will switch dorms with me. I get to stay with Rivera and you deal with some random Mackenzie"

Wait this person knows me?

"T-that's against the r-rules!" the other girl says with a shaky voice.

"No one has to know, besides how could they find out? They give these papers randomly." I assume they're talking about the papers with the dorm's numbers.

"B-but-" the girl doesn't get to finish.

"Geez, sunshine. Remind me to never ask you for help if I need to kill someone." the voice sighs and I hear a bed crack "Cmon, your roomie must be waiting"

Last thing I know, a pink haired girl is opening the door and walking out with tears. I narrow my eyes to the inside of the room, ready to scold whoever the hell this person is.

"What the fuck do you think- Rikka?!" my jaw drops at the sight of my friend.

"Surprise, motherfucker!" she grins.

Before I can say anything else, she crashes into me. Embracing me in a tight hug, I let a loud chuckle escape my lips.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

She shrugs, "Thought my girls would like to have me back around. Besides you seemed to like this place, so why not give it a try myself"

"You're going to love being here" I assure her "Though, I'm not sure that scaring new people is the way to start."

"Who cries just because someone want to swap dorms?" she complains exasperatedly "You know I don't function well with sensitive people"

"You don't say" I retort sarcastically "But seriously, you should apologise. You sent her to be roommates with the devil of this school"

"Oh, is Mackenzie the Queen B?" I nod in answer "Sounds like I have a new target"

I shake my head, "You're the worst."

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