[55] - first rule of dating

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Hooking an arm around Kie's shoulders, i lead her back to the stands where we watch the rest of the game.

The annoyance I was carrying, from Coach throwing me out, was easily forgotten when the girl next to me decided to make me the happiest guy in the world.

I've never been the relationship kind. I have no idea what to do and how it will work from here on. Neither does Rivera, but I know I will do anything in my power to make it work.

I don't give a shit about what it takes, as long as she's there by my side. When I wake up, when I go to sleep, watching my games or even just chilling.

Glancing down at her again, my smile widens as I take in her beauty. Fuck, I could watch her for hours and not get tired. The way her eyes grown with excitement as she watches her brother and the guys score a goal. Or her freckles moving with her cheeks.

Everything about her has me hooked. There's about a thousand people here and my eyes can't bother to leave hers. She's so fucking hypnotizing.

My mind traces back to the thought of us being boyfriend and girlfriend officially and I can't help but lean forward to kiss her cheek.

She hums in answer, but keeps her eyes on the game. I pour in need of attention and lower my kisses to her neck. Finally, she moves her neck to look at me.

"Stop it" she places a hand on my chest to push me away "You're making people stare"

I grin. "Good, let them."

"You're so annoying, did you know that?" she cocks a brow with a slight shake of her head, but I ignore it once her lips turn into a smile.

"Annoyingly hot? Smart? Perfect? Everything you've ever dreamed of?" I'm confidently aware I'm all of those.

"Remind me again why do I like you?" she scrunches her nose.

"You don't." I poke her nose "You love me."

She avoids my eyes, so I don't see the blush on her cheeks. Nice try, princess, but I could the see the heat on her face from a mile of distance.

So could Lizzie, as she and Quells approach us with knowing looks on their faces. The blonde girl shoots me a 'well done' wink and I mouth a thanks back.

We agreed to never tell Rivera- at least not until we're married and with kids so there's no chance she can leave me- that Lizzie might have give me a hint that nothing was ruined yet.

"Well then, tell us everything!" Quells nudges her shoulder with a curious expression.

"He's right here" Kie deadpans.

"You can act like I'm not here" I shrug before adding "Although I can't promise I won't make it known I'm amused when I hear you tell them everything you said."

"Now you have to tells us!" Lizzie insists.

"First rule of dating-" Rivera lifts a finger "-no talking about our private moments."

Lizzie leans her body forward onto the freckles girl's lap "Did I just hear you say dating?!" her gaze fills with hope.

"That's right." I kiss the top of Kie's forehead "Kiara Rivera's got the hottest boyfriend in the world."

She scoffs. "Where is he?"

My gaze drops, "Funny."

"I know" she pokes my nose.

"Awn, you guys are so cute" Lizzie pouts in awe, her head dropping in her arms pressed against Kie's lap.

Quells nods in agreement. "I should've known your arguments were just your own way of flirting with each other. It's different, but adorable."

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