[06] - shared bathroom

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Once I'm done moving all my things from the girls' dorm to my new room I make my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

While four of the boys take the rooms upstairs, mine is downstairs next to another one. Hopefully Callum's or my brother's.

I open the fridge and my lips instantly press together into a thin line. Do these idiots even do groceries? Pressing my tongue to the top of my mouth causing a sequence of 'click' sounds to leave my lips, I try to work with what I got.

I grab the tomato sauce, the ham and the mozzarella cheese from the top layer, placing them on the island. Taking a few slices of bread from the box next to the sink, I make my infamous pizza-breads.

Once I'm done, I put them in the oven and wait around 10 to 15 minutes until they're ready. It's an old recipe my father taught me and since then it's become my favourite.

I scroll down my socials as I wait and laugh when a puppy video comes up. After liking it I send it to me and the girls' newest gc.

#Dylan Whores#
Me: be ready for the tiktok spam, xoxo
Quells: she sent me 20 videos in the last MINUTE
and I got tell u girl, her fyp is something else-
Me: wait until the aaron spam starts
Lizzie: aaron warner 🛐
Quells: okay, but nazeera >>>

I shake my head with a small smile when the ring of the oven goes off. Taking them out and placing on the plate, I inhale the delicious smell.

"Fuck, Agnes whatever you cooking smells fucking goo-" the very familiar voice startles me so bad I almost let the pizza fall to the floor "-you're not Agnes"

"No shit, Sherlock" I stare skeptically at Stone.

"What are you doing here?"

"I live here"

"You what now?" his brows narrow into a frown, and if I cared I would be scared of how not-happy he looks.

"The school mixed up my dorm application so I'm taking your extra room" I shrug.

"You're not taking the guest room" he shakes his head, brushing a hand through his smooth hair.

It's my turn to frown- and cross my arms- as I stare in disbelief. This asshole must want me to sleep on the fucking street or something. In fact, I'm sure he would be thrilled with that.

"I am, so suck it up and leave me alone" I roll my eyes, returning to favouring my food.

"I'm not sharing a bathroom with you" his words make me almost gag on my food.

No, no, no. When I first checked the room I found it strange the bathroom having two doors. I just never thought it would- well now that I think about it does make sense. But Stone?

"The other room is yours" I say it more like a statement then a question, to which he nods confirming it.

"Coming to my school wasn't enough, you had to invade my house too" he grunts out "It's starting to become an obsession, princess"

"Oh believe me, the odds of me being obsessed with a goat would be higher" i snark back.

"Goats need more affection than you think, Rivera, and that's a department you lack at" he retorts.

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