[33] - wrong answer

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a/n: this chapter contains explicit sexual content, if you don't want to read it you can move on to the next chapter.


I blame Tyler Fucking Collins for this. No one asked him to come up with the idea of the truce. If he hadn't said anything I wouldn't have messaged Stone.

Consequently, I wouldn't have to get on a hot tub with him. Which overall was a stupid idea from Callum. Especially after my dare was actually nice.

First, it showed Collins he's not going to wait around. Second, it made him jealous. If that ain't a win, I don't know what is.

Now, this?! This is far from anything. It's hell. Torture. Whatever you want to call it. All I know is, I will be counting the time myself until I can leave.

"I don't bite, Rivera" Satan's voice snaps me back to the present. He's already inside while I stand there like a fool "Unless you want me to"

I roll my eyes "Bite your tongue and stay quiet then"

"Funny, you should become a comedian" he retorts, stopping himself from an eye roll too.

Accepting my fate, I strip out of my clothes. Staying in only my red underwear- in my defense it's the most comfortable one- I step into the water.

Stone's eyes roam my body from head to toes, a weird glint flashing through them. He lays back with both his arms spread on one side. I reach for the opposite one, creating some distance between us.

I take my time to ogle him as well. Stone half naked is a view I could get used to, even though I'd never admit it out loud.

His abs flex under the water as my body unconsciously shivers. And something tells me it wasn't because of the cold.

Stone suggests we continue playing the game. This time just between us. I hesitate at first, unsure of what can happen, but the wild side of me says fuck it.

After all, I'm in Malibu having the time of my life with my friends. Me and Stone already crossed the biggest line of them all a week ago. Nothing that happens here can top.

"Truth or dare?"


"Have you ever touched yourself thinking about me?" my eyes flick to his.

I bite my lip. "Yeah"

"After or before we had sex?" his brow lifts in curiosity.

"That's two questions" I point out, knowing it's only to avoid answering "Truth or dare, Stone?"


"Do you regret it?" I don't have to finish the sentence for him to know I'm talking about that night.

"No." and that's about all I will get from him "Truth or dare, Rivera?"

I give it a thought. If I pick truth he will make me answer his previous question. Picking dare, he gets to have me do anything he wants. It's a difficult choice.


"I dare you to kiss me" as the words leave his mouth, he moves closer to me.

Pretty sure it's the wet hair look that's making me give in so easily. As the seconds pass he only shifts closer. The warmth of his skin brushes against mine as I feel his breaths touch my face.

His gaze feels hot in mine, my nose inhaling him. Our breathings turn into heavy pants. Mouth inches apart. My knees rubbing against his skin, is the only contact between one another.

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