[36] - for him

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"Kiara?" the honeyed voice pierced through my ears like a thunder in a storm "Didn't expect to find you here"

"Ezra. Could say the same to you" I swallow down the knot in my throat, cursing the gods for putting him here.

"You look good" for some reason it doesn't feel the same way as when Stone said it.

"Babee, you have to try those martinis- oh" my eyes land on a beautiful blonde girl, who I assume must be his new girlfriend "You must be Kiara! Ez has told me so much about you"

She's a sweetheart, great. "That's me"

"Kiki, this is my girlfriend Ava" fucking knew it "Are you visiting or staying?" Are we really doing this? Talking like we're friends or something.

"Rika borrowed us her house so we could have a break from everything" my tone recovers its sarcasm "Guess it didn't work like we wanted"

"Us?" he raises a confused brow.

I scan the crowd of people dancing trying to find Lizzie and Quells so I can point to them. Guess what, they're nowhere to be seen. Thanks a lot girls.

"Here's your drink, princess" Stone walks up to me from behind, pulling me closer to him with his arm.

With his eyes he tells me to play along, "Right, thanks" I take a very needed sip.

"Anything for my favourite girl" he kisses my temple slowly, purposely making them watch as I melt into his touch.

"You're Damien Stone" it's more like a statement than a question but Satan nods anyway "I'm Ezra, my friends and I love to watch you play on the rink"

That causes Stone to smirk. "Had to impress her somehow, wasn't easy though" he gently tosses one strand of my hair behind my ear as the words leave his mouth.

I have to say, he's good. Like really good. Even though, the sentence will never come out of my lips aloud I'm impressed. Damien Stone has impressed me.

"Yeah she's a hard one" Ezra rubs the back of his neck, seeming still a bit lost.

"Don't be like that" Ava shakes her head "You two make the most beautiful couple. I was actually nervous to meet Ez's famous ex, but you're seem so sweet"

I recompose myself, "Thanks, you're just as lovely as well. He's very lucky to have you, really"

Ezra must notice the intention of my comment when he whispers something in her ear and seconds later, the girl says goodbye and wanders off back to the crowd.

"You have to know I really do like her, Kiki, I wouldn't do something to hurt her" I bite back the scoff at the tip of my tongue.

"Actions speak louder than words, Ezra, hopefully this time you won't make the same mistake. Or do. I don't care, honestly." I shrug, tired of this topic. Of him. Of couples and relationships. Everything.

"I never got to tell you but I'm really sorry" if I had any doubts if what I wanted was an apologize, now it's clear as the day I didn't.

I feel Stone stiffening against me. He's either annoyed the guy won't stop talking or just wants to punch in the face. Any of the two, I feel the same.

"Get the fuck away from my sister!" Santi beats us both at it when he realizes Ezra's presence. First he pushes him back, then a punch and another.

"Kiki!" Lizzie rushes over to me, asking me a couple times if I'm okay.

Callus, Zeke and Tyler don't question what's happening. Instead, they join my brother and help him launch a few more hits at my ex.

I should be the bigger person. Tell them to stop. But no bone inside me finds the strength to do it. Some part of me is even happy for him getting what he deserves. Am I a bad person for that?

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