[40] - weird, weird, weird

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"Your favourite has arrived!" Aaliyah's voice bursts through my ears.

"Really, where's she?" Oliver pretends to look around, receiving a smack on the back by his sister.

"Anyway.." she turns to us and her brows widen "who are these beauties?"

"Cuz, this is my girl Lizzie" Santi kisses my best friend's forehead on the side and then points to Stone "And that's my shit head of a best friend"

Aaliyah meets my eyes "Ah yes I know him" she crosses her arms silently demanding an explanation.

"Oh yeah, you're Kiki's new boyfriend right?" Oliver points out.

"Fake boyfriend" I correct them "It's a long story I will explain later"

My cousin shoots me a 'you better' look. I'd be confused as hell too if she appeared 'dating' the guy she made clear to hate not even a month ago.

I have to admit he's become more tolerable, but that's about it. Me and Stone are like a villain and the hero. As much as it would make one hell of a story, it simply doesn't work.

Snapping out of my thoughts I see Aaliyah and Lizzie talking like they've known each other forever. It makes me happy that they get along, it's my two best friends right there.

Oliver and Santi entertain themselves with something on their phones. Probably those stupid-but-somehow-funny reels they're always sending on our groupchat. It's so much I had to silence it.

On the other hand, Stone follows me behind in a comfortable silence. He's not in my space or trying to make conversation, but I don't see any intention to leave as well.

"There you two are!" I catch sight of my mom and aunt Margot.

"You didn't tell me your kids were bringing dates, this is so exciting! Hi, I'm Aunt Margot" she greets them with a kind warming smile.

"I'm Lizzie, it's really nice to meet you" my best friend returns the expression "And to see you again, Christine"

"My son's girlfriend" she clarifies to my aunt and then smiles at the sight of Damien "Stone, you've grown so much. How are Bruce and Lauren? I've missed them"

Me and Santi share a look while Stone says "They're good" and then turns to Margot "It's an honor to meet Kiki's favourite aunt"

"Oh I'm flattered" she places a hand on her chest "Kiki hit the jackpot with this one" she winks at me.

"I could argue it was the other way around" I keep a straight face when I feel Stone's hand on my waist pulling me closer.

"So cute, aren't they?!" Aaliyah squeals causing me to shoot her a glare. She ignores, having fun with this "Cmon, you can kiss each other"

Oh, she's so dead.

"Gross, not when I'm here" Santi grimaces.

Thankfully that save us from my cousin's stupid idea. In the meantime we introduce Liz and Stone to the rest of the people including Uncle Hugh.

He makes a speech typical of him and then we move on to the games. Making teams of two, I end up with Stone to not cause any suspicions.

Which to be honest works in my favor, Damien understand the importance of winning just like me. And I know he will do anything in order to get it. He might be the perfect partner for this.

"Let's start with the who knows the other better game!" Georgia announces, following with a brief explanation of the game "We will go first"

"Watch and learn, everybody" Uncle Hugh winks, before taking his show off and sitting in one of the chairs.

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