[15] - maybe i will

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"Okay, what about McDonald's or Burger King?" Quells asks, stealing one of my fries.

"McDonald's obviously" Collins says in a 'duh' tone.

"Nah man, Burger King wins" Santi shakes his head and i shoot him a 'what are you talking about' look.

"Zeke?" I give him the final answer.

"McDonald's better" he agrees with Collins who high fives him.

These are types of questions we entertain ourselves with as Stone drives us to college. Callum's car broke down and most of us are just too lazy to not take a free ride.

Liz shares with me her crush of the week and tells me her plan to hook up with him. She's having her fun and I don't blame her, but I do know all she's ever wanted was a real relationship.

"I could get you one of his friends" she suggests, nudging my arm.

"Don't you dare" I shake my head "Play matchmaker with Quells not me"

"Hey, I'm very happy with my lady of the month okay?" Raquel interjects and I cock a brow at her.

Collins mimics my expression. "Quells is seeing someone and didn't tell us!"

"Of course, you would embarrass the poor girl" Liz states, backing our friend up. The boys pretend to be offended by hers words while me and the girls exchange a look. Children.

Furthermore we discuss the boys coming up games and some special parties we need to attend. Just thought of it all makes me realise it's been almost two months since I've been here.

Never in my life did I think I would gain such incredible group of friends, even though both my brother and Satan are part of it. I usually ignore that part.

Quells has quickly became a best friend for me and Liz. Easily matching our energy and now we spam each other everyday with photos of daddy klaus mikaelson. Yeah, we have some kind of problem.

"Shit, I completely forgot to tell you I'm not going to class today. My dad wants me to help him organise the team's final dinner" Quells sighs exasperatedly.

"Final dinner?" I frown, confused.

"On the last game of every semester the team and their closest friends go out for dinner, some real expensive shit though" she grins.

"Seems fun" I grin back before walking into the classroom and Quells disappears.

The smile on my lips drops once I notice what's written on the board. 'Group Work'. Two simple words that got me cursing Raquel in every language I know.

Don't get me wrong, I've spared a word here and there to the rest of the class. But I dusky stay with Quells, so it's not like I got to know any of them well.

"Rivera, you can stay in Stone's group" that catches my attention.

Hell no. "Is there no other option?"

"I'm afraid not" he presses his lips together, not really bothering to see if there is in fact another option.

Sighing, in defeat, I walk towards their table. When I'm closer, I recognise the red head from the other day but it's the blonde guy next to her that takes me back.

"Landon?" my tone reveals my shock.

His face lits up. "Kiara, you're in this class too?"

"Yeah, how did we not bump into each other until now?" I frown and by his expression he doesn't know too "How have you been?"

"Great, you?" he returns and I answer with 'same'.

We stare at each other still in shock, but both with smiles in our mouth. Landon was the blonde hottie I hooked up with over summer. He looks just a good with his charming smile and incredible style.

"Are you two done with the lovely reunion?" the mood is killed by Satan himself.

My neck snaps at him, eyes glaring. Landon joins Mackenzie in the opposite side of the table so I take the empty seat next to Stone and cross my arms.

"Fuck off" I roll my eyes.

He leans closer and whispers. "I'd rather fuck you, princess" his signature smug showing at his lips.

I know he's trying to get a reaction out of me with his words so I do my best to stay blank. Those aren't words he can just throw around, but knowing Stone he doesn't care.

To avoid the asshole next to me I turn back to red head and Landon. I shoot him an apologetic smile for Stone's atitude but he shrugs it off.

"I actually think they fit perfectly together, babe" Mackenzie comments, flashing her eyelashes at Damien "Oh my god, we should go on a double date!"

"No!" me and Stone say at the same time.

"Why not?" Landon frowns. Regret showers over me fearing I made him think I didn't want to go on a date with him.

"Yeah, babe, this would be so cute! You and me against Landon and her on a skating date!" Mackenzie squeals in excitement.

I almost miss how she says 'her' instead of my name. For both our sakes I will believe it's because she doesn't remember it and not for shade.

"Fine, whatever" Stone shrugs and my eyes widen.

Did this shithead actually agree? I don't want to go on a double date with him! Or his psycho of a fuckbuddy or whatever she is.

"So, tomorrow night at the skating center, 9pm?" Landon suggests and we all nod.

We end up finally doing some of the work we were paired for and after a long hour the class ends. Landon stops me to catch up a bit and as much of a sweetheart he is, right now I need to go.

He understands, saying he will text me. I nod and walk out of the door. Liz is still in class so I grab my phone from my pocket and open our gc.

#Dylan O'brien Whores#
Me: i'm going on a double date with SATAN and CARROT TOP. help asap. i'm gonna kms.
Quells: what??? how did this happen!!
Lizzie: more important, who are you going with?? ;)
Me: carrot top bitch planned it. about that...
Lizzie & Quells: SPILL BITCH
Me: blondie from summer, Landon :)
Lizzie: HELL YES!!!! he's a total babe, i love this

A small laugh escapes my lips at the last message. I share with them a few more details, explaining to Quells a little more about Landon.

She agrees with Lizzie about how much of a catch he is. They also insist I see where things with him can go. Lizzie reforces that I need to cut with the 'don't do relationships' crap.

Maybe I will.

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