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a/n: the wait is finally over!!
ladies and gentlemen, lay down and enjoy :)


"Honey, I'm home!" my front door swings open.

Santi marches all the way from entry to the living room, where I lay on my biggest-size-on-the-market comfy ass couch.

I quirk a brow at him, "Too much energy"

"I'd usually say it's due to seeing that pretty face of yours but today you're not the one who takes the cake, sorry man" he pats my shoulder.

"Let me guess, Liz?"

"You know me so well"

I do, but even a baby would know that one. As an obsessed-with-his-girlfriend guy myself, I get it most of the times. A simple hi from Rivera could make my day. But this guy over here? Lame as fuck type of shit.

Valentine's Day was last week and Santi fought for that boyfriend of the year spot. Not only took Lizzie to dinner in the finest restaurant in town, but also made her a personalized bouquet.

Instead of flowers, like most people (the normal ones), he filled a basket with sweets and tickets for her favourite band's concert. There was also a heart necklace that matched his.

To anyone on the world, that would be enough. For most, it's more than they ever got. Which includes Lizzie, who was crying of happiness and ran to her best friend to tell her all about it.

Until then, it was all good. In fact, good thing he's treating Liz the way she deserves. Not only she's a good friend of mine, but seeing her happy makes my girl happy. Nothing better than that for me.

However it also makes me look like the bad boyfriend, worse of all, I'm losing it to none other than this jackass.

"Blondie loved my surprise, as expected" he rubs his hands together, moonwalking in happiness towards the kitchen.

"You were never this caring to me you know" I pretend to be hurt by the lack of love from my best friend, what happened to bros before ladies?

He grins, "Become Elizabeth Morris and I might"

Before I can give him an answer back, our heads snap to the opening door of my room. Whatever it was that we were talking, suddenly vanish from my mind as all I can focus is on her.

Kiara steps out while drying her half wet curls, not even fazed when she sees Santi. After living on her own for about eight months she finally agreed to move in with me. Ditched the guy immediately yet somehow he's made our home his as well.

"Is that my mug?" her brows narrow when she notices her brother pouring a drink on it.

He pleads innocence, "Is it?"

"You have yours, Santi, leave mine alone and away from all your germs" she complains, shaking her head as she joins me on the couch.

"You do realise I'm brother, twin even, we've shared things all our lives" he points out in matter of factually.

"Unfortunately is hard not to notice that when we somehow even share my own boyfriend" Kiara huffs out a breath, snuggling into my embrace.

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