[09] - opening game

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"Get in bitch" Liz presses the honk of her car s few times, gathering all our neighbours attention.

I shoot them an apologetic look before flashing Quells, who's in the back seat, a smile. Once I'm inside the vehicle, I plug my cellphone in and change the playlist.

"So any news in your 'too hot to handle' fam?" Liz asks as she tilts her chin towards the house I just left.

"It's like living with a bunch of children, but they're funny" I admit with a shrug.

"If I was stuck in a house with hot girls I would've had jumped in their bones already" Quells mentions casually.

"That's what I've been saying but Kiki follows her brother's off limits rule a little too well" Lizzie rolls her eyes.

"It's not that, I just don't want a relationship right now" I defend myself.

The truth overall is that I never really wanted one. Even when I dated Ezra it was more just because everyone had someone at the time.

I'm not the perfect person for it. The whole meaning it has- having to give so much of yourself to someone and trust them in such level. It's just not for me. Much less the whole love bullshit.

"Okay, fair enough. But what about a fuck buddies deal, I'm sure the boys wouldn't be against that" Quells suggest.

"I'm actually enjoying being their friend, I don't want to ruin it. Besides if I'm that desperate I can find a guy to fuck at a party" I argue, not wanting to seem too harsh but not liking the topic much either.

"Well I mean, there's one of them who you don't really have to worry about ruining anything" Lizzie comments, almost too quietly for me to hear.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't suggest that" I shake my head, grimacing at the thought.

"Don't worry, I was just kidding. I know you'd rather get shot than to spend more than five minutes with Stone" Lizzie mocks.

"My toxic trait is that I could swear sometimes it looks like there's some kind of sexual tension between you two" Quells presses her lips together, almost apologetically.

"I used to think so too" Liz agrees.

"Yeah, I'm out" I announce, scrunching my nose at their comments.

They both chuckle at my reaction as we reach the hockey arena. We quickly find our seats and wait for the boys to step into the ice. It's crazy how I almost forgot how good hockey equipment looks on these guys. Those things are huge and yet they still pull it off.

I recognise my brother's number, 22, and next to him is Stone with the 13. The girls cheer for them both, going completely crazy as they wave at them with sly smugs.

Following the golden duo I see Zeke with the 86, Callum carrying the 37 and Tyler showing off the 16. Everyone cheers for the boys as their popularity follows them everywhere and the game finally begins.

When I think about it, the last time I went to a game I was cheering for my ex boyfriend so this definitely feels a bit overwhelming.

I don't hate it, in fact I was always a hockey fan. Watching by brother upgrade over the years was fun, easy to understand and dad used to take us to real games. Those were on another level.

Things changed over the years and for a few months I almost thought Santi would quit. Especially after dad. But he kept doing it, it's almost like he takes all his rage out in the ice. I guess we all have our ways.

"Look, Callum's got the puck" Quells announce and I bring my attention back to the number 37.

He passes it to my brother who takes it further away. The other teams tried to steal it pack, almost causing him to trip but luckily he's able to toss it to his right.

I watch the black round object slide through the ice until it lands on number 13's stick. Even with all those clothes he's body work is magnificent which is almost annoying to admit.

Dodging the opponents with easy, Stone reaches the edge of the field and with one strong, quick and firm hit the puck crosses the goal line between the two posts.

In slow motion I watch the crowd stand up and shout in celebration. The boys jump over him and the Coach claps his hands satisfied.

"Cmon, you have to admit that was fantastic!" Lizzie nudges my arm and I stare at her skeptically.

She rolls her eyes and joins the cheering crowd with Quells as I stay in my seat. Who cares how good it was, I'm not feeding that man's ego even more. It's big enough already.

That's what she said. Shut up, conscience.

For the next hour I only stand up to applaud my brother's goal. The final score ends up being 4-1 for the tigers.

As I already expected the first thing they mention when they're all dressed up and ready to go, is the after party. I could even guess we're all needing it.

"We will meet you there in two hours, yeah?" Collins informs us, slightly more directed to Quells who nods.

"Don't do any stupid shit" she shoots them a knowing look.

"You know us Quells, can't make any promises" Santi winks before fading away.

I exchange a glimpse with Lizzie who confirms it's not just me who's confused. Whatever it was they were talking about, they didn't bother to mention to us.

Quells either doesn't notice or just pretends and begins to walk in the opposite direction of them. We follow behind and I realise we're going towards the parking lot.

My mind doesn't leave that conversation until we're already in Raquel's car. I drum my fingers on my leg while she taps the steering wheel with her thumb, singing along the song on the radio.

"Why aren't they coming with us?" curiosity gets the best of me and I notice her swallow.

"You know, boys stuff" she shrugs, yet clearly lying.

"You're a shit liar, babe" Lizzie comments and Quells rolls her eyes playfully.

"I don't know if I shoul-" she stops herself, biting the bottom lip, her brain visibly debating to tell "Shit, they're going to kill me"

With that she turns the car around, almost causing me and Lizzie to hit the side. I try to understand what kind of root she's thinking about going for but these are unknown streets for me.

"Care to decode it for us?" Liz suggests, recomposing herself.

"Every few weeks they wander off to a club-" she begins and i frown not finding that special "-known as Posh and it's famous for the variety of drugs sell there"

"Why would go to another club just for weed and pot?" my brows crease further.

"Because the most common there are heroin, cocaine and nicotine" Quells swallows hard and my stomach drops.

Why the hell would they- I rub my hands over my eyes and try to think. Santi. Not one single reason comes to my mind to explain this behaviour. In fact he has all the motives not to do it.

Raquel continues to drives us to the location of the club while I stay in silence and still in shock. When I glance up at Lizzie her eyes are drowning in fear too.

Fuck, I don't care if he drinks or does some of the lighter shit. It's still stupid as hell, but this? I can't have another person to suffer the consequences of reckless things like this.

I just can't.

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