[38] - such a bad liar

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Fortunately, when Quells catches sight of us we've already put some distance in between. Nonetheless, she eyes us suspiciously.

"Am I interrupting something?" her words are slow, as if she is still trying to put the pieces together.

"Actually, yes-"

"No." my glare zeros on Stone to shut him up.

"Are you sure?" Quells frowns at the two opposite answers.

I reassure her with a smile, "You got here just in time" any longer and we'd be too far deep that anyone could in fact catches us.

"Yeah, we were about to go at each other's throats" Stone gets the need to add, smirking at its double meaning.

With Quells turned forward, her back to us, I take the chance to shoot him a look that says 'stop that'. But as always, all Damien Stone of him, he ignores it.

In fact, his brows raise in challenge. Which is not good. Stone loves to test the limits, but he likes even more to get me rilled up. This has come as a perfect opportunity to do that.

"Look the top is right there, guys" Liz and the rest of the group finds us, too fresh and happy to have done anything more than walking for the past hour.

"Give me the bag, I will prepare our picnic" I tell Callum who gladly launches it at me, probably tired of carrying it all the way up here.

I unzip it and display the different towels on the ground. Zeke helps me gather the food around, making it even between the three blankets.

Digging into the end of the bag I take the camera out and discreet take a few shots at my friends. They will thank me later. Especially since I'm being generous and getting good shots of them.

Zeke places the last tupperware next to Tyler and we close the bag again. Santi and Lizzie sit next to each, taking over one of the blankets while Zeke, Quells and I share another.

Tyler and Callum get the smallest one, being forced to sit closer to each other. I bite back a small smile that threatens to form at my lips. Although I'm still a little mad at Collins I can't stop but find them so cute.

"Pass me those strawberries" Callum points to the box next to Lizzie.

"Don't forget about your Doritos" Zeke jokes, receiving a middle finger from the brunette.

Scotty grips the bag out of their reach, "I was thinking about sharing it with y'all, but you just lost that right" he lifts his chin to emphasise his point.

"Even me?" Tyler raises a brow.

"Especially you" they exchange a glance.

Collins fake gasps, pretending to be hurt by his words before stealing a handful of Doritos. Stone meets my eye, aware of something else happening there.

Sometimes I wonder if we're the only ones who can actually see what's happening right under their nose. The rest of the group seems pretty oblivious. Maybe because the pair has always been like this, but still it's pretty obvious.

"Stone, toss me a grape" Santi breaks our eye contact, motioning to the fruit next to his best friend.

Damien smirks, "Ready?"

My brother nods just before catching the grape in his mouth perfectly. They repeat it a few more times, nailing almost every single one. It wows me how these two can be entertained by something like this.

"Blondie, your turn" Santi nudges my best friend arm and before she can refuse Stone throws her the fruit.

She misses it for so little, "No! Let me do it again"

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