[45] - the light in his eyes

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Saying yes to everything Stone ask is a trap on a whole another level. From having to have breakfast with him to switch seats in class to entertain his ass, it's been a rollercoaster.

I've come to the conclusion Damien Stone is the biggest attention whore I've met. At least with me. Some part of me really likes that, the zero-patience part wonders how do I still put up with him.

"You're doing that thing" as if he could hear my thoughts, Stone's voice breaks my zoning out.

"Don't know what you're talking about" I say frowning.

"When you're overthinking something, you fix on a random point and a little crease shows up in your forehead" this guy catches on everything, geez.

I hum. "Just mentally talking shit about you"

"Careful, you almost sound obsessed with me" he winks, clearly amused and not affected by my dog at all.

"I'd have to be sick for that to happen, hopefully I never reach that extreme" my turn to be smug, take that dipshit.

He lifts a brow, "Shouldn't lie to yourself so much"

"Please" I huff "You barely cross my mind"

Okay, that might be a lie. Like a really big on. But, in my defense, usually when he's on my mind it's not a good way. Usually. Not so much lately, but maybe I really am sick.

A month ago, I'd laugh in your face if you told me I could be more than ten minutes around Stone. Without wanting to punch his face. Now here we are, spending at least an hour together everyday. It's concerning, I swear.

Even Liz has picked up on it. And it's my oblivious best friend! Well, she's only pointed out that we've been hitting off good lately, but still.

Callum still loves to tease me everytime he catches me and Stone being a bit too-friendly. He's a total pain in my ass. Good thing I can retaliate when it's him with Tyler.

Santi, Collins and Quells don't look like they know anything but they've definitely sent a few confused looks. I guess it's all still weird for them. Me too, me too.

Zeke, on the other hand, well I'm pretty sure he knows. He's never said anything but he's just that type of person you know? The 'I know somethings going on but imma stay quiet' type of person.

Which I'm thankful for. Zeke is too much of a wise and rational person to be the one I want asking questions. He wouldn't even be interested in knowing how it happened, more on what we think it means.

I do not need therapy-like sessions over my fuckbuddies situation with Stone. It's just sex. At least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

Like he's mind reading me again, he calls out my name in a hesitant tone that has me frowning. He almost looks ... nervous? Nah, Damien Stone doesn't get like that.

"Go out on a date with me."

My eyes widen, "What?"

"Shit" he rubs the back of his neck "Too far? You don't have to, even with the bet"

"You were serious" I'm still in shock.

Judge me all you want, but it's not everyday you have Damien Motherfucking Stone asking you out. Actually that really never happens. Does he even know how a date works? Oh god.

"Forget I said anything" he groans, throwing back his head "We don't do that, it'd be crossing lines we shouldn't and all"

I hold back a laugh, "This is priceless" he frowns at my words "Never thought I'd see you all flustered"

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