[13] - she knows how to play the game

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Two weeks after the incident, things are back to normal. Rivera and Santi spoke and he agreed to quit everything. He even hesitates on drinking when we go out.

Nonetheless, I didn't miss how Liz has being his rock through it all. As his best friend, I know him with the palm of my hand and it's obvious how bad he's got it for her.

Moreover, mine and Kiara's familiar banter is back as expected. It didn't feel right any other way and we've always been at acting like certain things never happened.

Besides she definitely went back to hate me extraordinarily when I wrote 'Stone is my god' in our bathroom's mirror, with her red lipstick. Then I posted it on my ig story. Yeah, she threw a tantrum over that.

However I know Rivera well enough to be aware that soon she will have her revenge. In fact, I've been checking her every motion, so I'm prepared.

"You could come over tonight, babe" the redhead on my lap breaks my thoughts away. "My parents aren't home"

"Don't make him miss practice tomorrow Kenzie, we've got a big game coming up" Santi warns her and she drops her jaw as to say 'me? never'.

For some reason I'm not feeling it tonight. Mackenzie is what many girls would want to be. Popular, hot and confident. Perfect for casual sex, which lots of guys here would love.

I was one of them last year. On contrary of what the rumours say, I did sleep around here and then but not every week and certainly not every day.

Now, for some reason, just haven't been feeling it. Santi has taken the advantage to tease me every fucking five minutes about it. Commenting how I've gone insane, turning down so many hot chicks lately.

In my defense, going to parties and finding some random girl there to fuck is boring as hell. There's no fire there. Nothing to keep you interested. I simply flash them a smile and they're practically begging me to fuck then, not wanting to brag. Maybe just a little.

The only problem is, girls that keep you interest are hard to find. Like actually hard. And just so you see how bad it's been, my dick is so desperate I find one specific person popping in my head sometimes. Out of all people, it had to be-

"Kiki, what's up?" Collins greets Rivera, who's got her soft dark curls wrapped in a messy bun.

Wide black jeans, slightly touching the floor on the back. Some white clean sneakers and a black small top that could be easily ripped off. Her gold necklace tangling around her neck, matching her earrings.

"Hey there boys" she says innocently, yet my forehead creases not buying her act. Something in her voice is too sweet.

Kiara is anything but sweet.

"What are you doing?" I cross my arms, accusingly.

"You know her, babe?" Mackenzie questions, judging her up and down.

We both ignore her, Rivera continues. "You forgot your underwear in the washing machine" she stretches out the material in her hands, showing off the hearts with her name all over them.

My smile drops, her grows.

"I must admit, I always knew you were a fan but this-" she makes a mind blown sound.

Deep behind the anger crawling up inside me right now, there's a spark of amusement. This girl is shit crazy and I freaking love it. She definitely knows how to play the game.

"Ayo, she got you good bro" Collins slaps my back, not being able to control his laugh along with Santi.

"That one was fucking incredible, freckles" Callum raises his hand for her to high five. I mouth 'traitor' back at him.

Mackenzie scowls as she huffs in annoyance at the girl in front of us. At this point the whole school is watching as well, Rivera does know how to put up a show.

With that she reaches closer and tosses the fabric on my on my chest, my eyes never leaving hers. Suddenly she's too close and I don't find myself hating it.

She can be a pain in the ass, infuriating as it gets. But just her presence her is making this a lot more enjoyable than the last. Getting Rivera all rilled up it's like a favourite hobby, easy and addicting.

When I feel her slip away I grab her arm with my hand and push her back close to me. I shoot Kenzie a glance, telling her to get out of my lap, which she does with arms crossed and an eye roll. I could swear she even tried to shove Rivera, unsuccessfully tho.

"It would be believable if the size wasn't too small" I winks and she visibly grimaces at the innuendo.

"Please, yours must be so tiny not even a thong would cover it" she retorts but the amusement doesn't leave my face.

A husky laugh escapes my mouth. Instead of answering back I get up from the chair and walk away. Leaving her standing there but only for a couple moments.

Soon enough she follows me behind, causing the smug to return to my face. Just like I expected. Kiara's incredibly smart but sometimes it's too easy to predict her actions.

Breaking through the crowd of people she finally catches up with me. I keep my pace until I reach for the male restroom's door and walk inside.

For a moment I doubt if she will actually enter but she confirms it with a slam of the door. The smug only grows wider.

You fell right into the trap, princess.

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