[21] - the missing piece of a puzzle

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double chapter with his pov,
you're welcome ;)


"Wow, these photos are amazing Landon! Ever thought of making a career out of it?" Lizzie asks in awe, looking through the album.

Turns out, the jackass also knows how to take cool pics. With a good camera, I could do it too. No, you couldn't. No one asked, conscience.

"It's a possibility but for now it's a hobby I enjoy" the guy trails off explaining how it all started. Not wanting to know in the slightest i zone them out.

Santi elbows my arm. "If I hear one more giggle, that douchebag's going home with a black eye" he rolls his eyes, clearly as pissed as me.

"Please do, just so I can watch you try to explain how you're not being an overprotective brother, you're just jealous because of Lizzie" I hide my shared agony with a knowing smirk.

"Sometimes I can almost understand why my sister doesn't like you at all" that gets me to side glance to the mentioned girl.

Different from earlier, her social battery is lower now. Landon has joined the convo to his left, with Mackenzie and a few other guys from the team. Meanwhile the girls ramble about something but she listens in silence.

With my good years of knowing the brunette, I've learnt that she will have random outbursts of distancing herself. Either because she's overwhelmed or feeling randomly out of place.

Therefore, I reach for one of her feet under the table. Remembering an old game of ours, I step in it and she finally meets my gaze.

"He seems close with Kenz too, you're not worried about that?" I break eye contact with Rivera to frown at her twin.

"I'd have to care for that" this guy is either on crack or just dumb.

"Y'all been hooking up since last year, you sure there's not something there?" don't fucking remind me, bro.

Santi doesn't seem to be the only one interest in my answer, as I feel Rivera finally agree to play footsie with me.

"I'd be lying to her and myself, she doesn't have what I need you know?" my shoulders drop, showing indifference to Santi yet something else to Rivera.

She tells me she got the message when I hear a scoff mixed with a gasp escaping those rose lips. Me, Santi and a few other people turn our heads in her direction causing her eyes to widen.

I smirk, knowing she's on the spot because of me. The amusement must radiate out of my face because she kicks my knee when she looks at my face.

"Fuck." I hiss.

"You good, man?" Collins is the one to ask and I simply nod in answer.

"Whatcha doing over there, Stone? Usually you make sounds like that in different situations" Callum's joke causes the whole table to laugh.

"You're mistaking me for Winston" I shake my head.

"We all know I'm not the whore of the group" Zeke lifts his hands in disbelief before glancing at Collins.

"Don't knock it till you try it" Tyler grins suggestively, before shrugging "They would all do me, they're just pussies"

"Keep dreaming" Callum snorts.

Meeting Rivera's eyes once more, I step on her boot again. Strong enough for her to feel, but not too much so it doesn't hurt her. An action I regret only a minute later when she presses her heel onto my toes.

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