[41] - where the real emotion is at

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The sun hits the room through the open windows, burning my naked back. My eyes open slowly recognizing the figure wrapped in my arms.

Still barely awake, I watch as Rivera's chest rises and falls in even breaths. The way her long black lashes rest at her cheeks, her pump roses lips part for air and her hair curls into her back.

For someone who's usually so uptight, feisty and annoyed she looks damn peaceful right now. Which strangely matches her scent. One I've craved into my brain since the first time I felt it wrap itself around my lungs.

It's tricky, honestly. Starts as a intoxicating strawberry and red fruits aroma. Ready to knock you off your feet, strong enough to introduce her presence from a distance. Only to, when you get closer, morph into this vanilla scent. Sweet, delicate, pure.

Such an welcoming smell that intensifies at the bare exposed skin of her neck. Decorated with a thin gold necklace tingling as she moves lightly.

"I can feel you staring" she mumbles against the silky pillow below her head.

Caught. "Hard not to, princess"

"If I find out you took any pictures, you might as well consider yourself dead" she turns her head in my direction, locking gazes.

"I like it when you talk dirty to me" I wink at her, enjoy the way she rolls her eyes because that's the only answer she's got.

Rivera stretches out her arm and reaches for her phone on the bedside table. I unwrap my arm so she can move easily and lay against the bed on my back, feeling my gaze blur closed just slightly-

"Shit! You dipshit motherfucker" my eyes shot open at her sudden hisses. My frown creates further trying to understand what's happening.


"We're so fucked" she paced around the room to her bag, throwing a few clothes onto the bed "The wedding it's in ten minutes, Damien! My mom is going to kill us"

That has me jumping out of the bed instantly. I might not be Rivera's real boyfriend, but this is so not the impression I was going for.

After a failed attempt at trying to get her to calm down and breathe, Kiara storms out of the room. I text Lizzie quickly, knowing they were supposed to get dressed together.

When she responds telling me she has it under control, I take the hint to get ready myself. Wearing a suit feels weird, but I can't lie and say I don't look good.

Apart from the rings I always wear, I add a silver chain and a watch to match. Everytime I put these on it reminds me how Rivera's a gold girl, the complete opposite.

The mention of her has me walking towards the elevator. When I reach the lobby I catch sight of Santi scrolling through his phone, displaying a bored expression.

"Thrown out of your own room?" I tease him.

"At least I didn't overslept, Kiki looked pissed" he pats my back in pity.

"When does your sister not look pissed" i deadpan, because it's true. Most times there's something bothering that woman.

Santi shrugs, "As long as it's not at me" I roll my eyes, that's why he likes to have me around.

Kiara loves to make me her number one target. I used to think it was because she hates me that much, she will use anything to throw a tantrum against me.

With time, I started to realise that's not entirely true. She chooses me because she knows it doesn't faze me. I can be ten times worse then her, ten times more of an asshole.

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