[46] - i made a mistake

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a/n: get ready, the pain is about to start.
(thought I should warn you beforehand)


"I want to show you something" allowing Damien to take my hand, I follow him upstairs.

"Old room?" I ask as I point to the familiar door with stickers all over it.

He nods. "I never changed it"

The door opens slowly and I'm embraced with nostalgia and old memories. A lot of our pranks were set in this exact room. Crazy how time flies.

Moving forward, I can't help but smile at the sight of younger Stone pictures. He was a lot cuter back then, by the way.

"Wait, you kept that?" my hands reach for the paper flower standing by the window. Our teacher made us give everyone a flower, so I added spikes to Stone's.

"Of all twenty flowers, mine was the only you did different. I felt special, has to keep it" he shrugs, sliding both arms in his pockets.

Eyeing the veins popping, I bite my lip not resisting the sarcastic answer "Obviously, it was my way of flirting with you back then"

"So you admit having a crush on me back then?" he lifts an amused brow as he steps closer.

"Never said that"

"Your eyes did"

Our gazes lock in an exaggerated intensity, increased by our bodies clashing together. There's barely any inches between us, still I want him closer.

"Now you sound like a grandma in movies" I shake my head.

He leans forward to whisper "Funny you say that, your grandma rambled something about it on the wedding"

"Ignore her, she's a romance movies psycho" scrunching my nose I try not imagine how that conversation must have gone.

"She was pretty on point, in my opinion"

"You think?"

His hands land on my waist, hot skin in contact with mine "To be fair, your eyes glint everytime you look at me" the small smile that threatens to form in his lips tells me he's playing around.

"I think your seeing things"

"Am I?"

There's something hidden behind that last question, but the proximity doesn't let me think too much about it. Or the transe I'm left in as his eyes pierce into mine as if he can't look away.

Except when he lowers his gaze to my lips. A battle between where to fixate his stare. My eyes, my mouth. Always so burning.

"Dinner's ready!" Margaret calls from upstairs and the moment is gone.

Still near him, I plant a small kiss on his cheek before leaning to his ear "I told you I don't kiss on first dates, Satan"

He throws his head back, muttering something that sounds a lot like a curse. A smile creeps into my lips but I'm already walking away, afraid I will actually kiss him if I stay in here any longer.

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