[50] - it's complicated

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"I know I've said this a million times already, but thank you again for letting me stay here" finishing my head, I turn back to the girls.

Liz shakes her head "And we say, once more, it's not big deal. In fact, we love to have you here" I smile in response.

"True" Quells looks at me as if I was a puzzle "But I'm still curious for the reason. Was it their laundry? I've never seen them do it"

"No, that wasn't it" I can't help but chuckle, they really don't "Sometimes just gets too much, I needed a bit of space that's all"

"What you need is to complain to the shitheads that run this college, they still haven't said nothing about your dorm" Quells points out before standing up "You know, that's exactly what I'm going to do"

"Quells!" she's already out of the door.

My head shifts back to Lizzie with a 'this girl is crazy' expression. She nods with a smile before sighing and taking the empty spot on her bed next to me.

Uh-oh. This looks too much like serious talk time. I hate those. Especially when there's nothing to talk. I wasn't lying when I said I need space, living with just boys isn't easy.

"You'd think by now my best friend would know better than to lie to my face" she purses in disapproval.

I groan. "Don't make talk about it, cause once I do then it will be officially something. When it's not, it's really nothing and I just want to move on"

"I think it's already a thing, Kiki" she nudges my arm. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together"

"You shouldn't say that until you know what it is" i remark and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Shit, are you pregnant?!" she whispers-yells.

Sarcastically I retort, "Yeah, quadruplets"

"Hey, don't joke about that! I'm too young to be an aunt already okay?!" she shoots me a sharp look. Mental note to not get pregnant. Risks: the aunt of my kids having a stroke.

"Relax, we use protection"

"Wait, we?" her brows widen.

Just do it. "I'vebeenhavingsexwithdamienstone" well that's an way to reveal it.

Lizzie face scrunches in confusion, she definitely didn't get a single thing of what I said. Taking a long breath I repeat, slower.

"I've been having sex with Damien Stone" god those words feel so weird in my mouth, guess I should just add "...and I think I like him"

Her jaw drops. Literally. For exact four minutes and 43 seconds, Lizzie doesn't say anything as she stares at me in complete shock.

"Liz?" she holds up a finger to stop me.

She swallows hard as her brain seems to be processing the information. I start drumming my fingers on my bumping leg as I wait for her to say something.

"You...and...Stone" not sure that's a question.

"Yup" I nod.

"You" she points at me "And Stone"

"Unless he has a hidden twin, then that's right"

"But you hate each other" she's still frowning "Not anymore?"

"It's complicated."

"You hate complicated."

"I know."

Liz opens her mouth and closes it again. A few more seconds go by before she finally reacts. While I expect everything between screams and squeals, to shouting at me how dumb it is, she surprises me.

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