[19] - did it work like you wanted

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"I can't believe that bitch said that" Liz frowns, veins popping in her face "You, Kiara Rivera, have the most perfect body I've seen, do not listen to her!"

"It's okay, I won't let her own insecurities take me down" I assure my best friend but she goes out on another rant about how beautiful I am.

I'm not complaining, it's just the third one today. Even Quells looks almost in pain which makes me chuckle. Lizzie has always had her way with her speeches.

"Kiki, I agree with her. Sincerely. But please make her stop. Please" she begs, covering her ears.

"I vote we show the bitch a lesson" Callum suggests.

"We're not fighting anyone" Zeke sends a stern look in his direction "I'm all up for some aggressive talking though"

I grin. "Wow, so rebellious of you Mister Mature"

"Next thing he's cursing too" Santi jokes and we both get flipped off by Zeke.

"What can I say, big personality equals to big something else" he winks, having my twin gawking in the next second.

Nonetheless, Collins high fives his brunette friend with a proud grin. Callum pats my brother's shoulder, also laughing at the comeback, and I exchange a look with the girls.

"Now that explains why Santi's must be so tiny" Lizzie nods as if in clarification.

He snorts unbothered. "Wanna come and check, blondie?" they lock gazes and for a moment it's almost like they talk with no words.

"Ew" me and my best friend say in unison.

"That hurt even me" Callum hisses.

"Fuck off" Santi shoves his friend before wrapping an arm around Raquel "Quells is the only one who doesn't make fun of me"

"Nah, I'm just not into dicks" she shrugs and we all laugh.

My brother pretends he's stretching out his arms as he slides off his embrace with Quells, his pride feeling too wounded. Poor thing, has an ego almost as big as his best friend's.

"You know who is into dicks, more precisely one in particular? Kiki! Our girl is hitting it off with Landon" Lizzie winks in my direction and I throw her daggers for making this a topic.

"I did not just hear that" Santi gags.

Zeke snorts. "Wait until she's inviting him back to our house" oh my god. Mental reminder to NEVER bring someone to the boys house.

"Should we make your room soundproof, freckles?" Callum grins in amusement.

"Stone will have a front row seat show" Ty points out and by now I'm praying for the floor to swallow me.

"I'm never fucking in there" I assure them.

"You're never having sex, final" Santi points a finger at me looking so serious I have to bite back a snort.

Lizzie and Quells both immediately become aware of my thoughts and we all burst out laughing. Does my sweet little brother really think I'm still a virgin?

"Don't worry Santi, she's wanting till marriage" Quells flashes him her most innocent smile.

He raises a brow. "Mom will be thrilled to know"

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