[23] - liar liar, pants on fire

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Christmas' eve. The biggest enemy of an introvert. Just thinking about the amount of people I have to handle on a day like this- yeah no.

Especially when they're my family. From judgmental snobby aunts, to in-need-of-exorcism youngsters. We have it all, you name it.

My go to plan is put my brightest fake smile and just nod. Don't listen, just nod. I will admit it has not always work, but most time it does.

"They're here" Santi announces and I rush downstairs.

"Kiara, remember to be nice" our mother warns with a stern look before opening the door with her own fake expression.

That's what we do. Fake it, till you make it. The woman has some weird obsession with looking like she's doing great in life, when only a few hours later she's back at complains about her ex- our father.

Add a few drinks and she's crying outside with our uncle, her brother. It's a mess but the same every single year. You learn to ignore it.

"Kiara, my beautiful niece! Every year you become more pretty" my favourite aunt, Margot, pulls me into a tight hug.

After greeting her husband and my brother doing the same, we catch sight of our favourite cousins. Oliver and Aaliyah are the only good part in these family events.

By the end of the night, where it's complete chaos, we all climb onto the roof with a bottle of tequila and have our own fun.

"Save me from this caveman" Aaliyah begs as we storm off to my room.

"Any exciting news?" I question, wanting to know all the tea.

She grins wickedly. "Had the fuck of my life with this slightly older guy. Girl, the boys our age got nothing on him let me tell you" her winks has me intrigued.

"Don't spare the details, I need to know what I'm missing" we both laugh.

"That rough, huh?" she cocks a brow and I nod. My love life has nothing on hers. Which I don't mind, but sometimes I want the thrill you know "What about that Santi's hot ass friend?"

Just what I needed. "Stone may have the looks but that's all. Everything else is just total asshole with no brain"

She hums in answer which can mean a lot of things. Either she doesn't believe I'm telling everything or just found it a disappointment.

"You're not exactly the lovey dovey type of gal, he seems like the perfection option for a casual sex agreement" she notes and I almost puke at the thought.

You literally kissed him three days ago.

Whatever. "I'm also not the complicated kind of girl and he screams that word in bold letters"

"Still hot as fuck, I'd hit it if I were you" she shrugs and I throw her a pillow.

We end up gossiping about secondary events that happened in our schools. Like girls fighting over a guy, cheating bastards and everything in between.

Talking with Aaliyah is easy. She's not from around so whatever I tell her won't spread. Besides she's trustworthy. Still I find myself not being able to confess what happened with Stone.

Feels too personal. If I say it, the whole thing will only become even more real. That's the last I need right now.


By dinner time we all gather around the table. My seat is next to Aaliyah and Uncle Hugh I couldn't be happier about. He's the cool and chill one.

"Ten dollars on how they don't last the whole dinner without starting a fight" he whispers for only me to hear.

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