[10] - seconds before disaster

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The security of this place is tremendous and just to get through it takes almost 20 minutes. I don't even want to imagine how long we would be here if we didn't have fake id's.

Although we're all older than 18, the legal drinking age is still 21. I've been to way too many clubs who only accept people older than that to not have a plan B by now.

"They must be in the VIP zone, Stone knows the owner" Quells informs and I feel the anger start to boil in my veins.

I'm not really shocked to know Stone is probably the reason they even come here in the first place. And I was sure I was going to kill him.

Even after everything, even with him knowing, he still puts my brother in situations like this? The worst part was that even if I tell my mother, she will believe him.

Stone will do his thing and have her in the snap of his fingers. Like he has always done. The golden little boy who isn't even her actual son.

"So, how are we getting in there?" Liz asks while the three of us stare at the VIP's door.

The whole place gives me a nauseous feeling. Red leds all around, the poor dancers being harassed every second, old creepy man with disgusting smirks.

There's also a few group of younger boys, probably lost in their lives and so unaware this is the last place they should be at. They seem too stunned to care though.

"You think flirting with the guard will do?" I turn to Quells.

"Of course-" a spark of hope lights up in my eyes "-if you can convince some dude here to do it" and just like that it's gone.

I sigh and dive into thought of other ways we can try to get inside. Nothing seems to come to mind but it's doesn't seem necessary when Liz begins to walk up to the security guard. I nudge Quells' arm an tiktok my chin in their direction.

"What's she doing?" she questions and I shrug not knowing as well.

We watch her talk with the man for a couple minutes before he gives a quick nod and runs off to god knows where. We both cock our brows at her while she rushes us to go.

We sprint inside the VIP zone and try to control our laughs at the craziness of my best friend's plan. Quells rants about how smart Liz is while I search for the boys.

When my gaze finds them my body freezes. Tyler and Callum are dancing together- horribly may I had- while Zeke's on the couch scrolling on his phone. He doesn't look like he had that much.

At least one of them has a brain.

Scanning the room further, I don't find neither Stone nor my brother and my heart starts to tick. Of course it had to be them to be missing.

"I will go to them, you two find Stone and Santi" Quells suggests and we both nod.

I swallow hard and Liz squeezes my hand in reassurance. She knows places like this make me feel extremely uncomfortable. Who in their right behind would run a place like this mess?

We keep walking until we find the washrooms. Immediately we stop not sure if we should enter. God knows what we could see. And well, no thanks.

"You go" I tell her.

"What, why me?!" she gasps.

"I don't want to see my brother naked!" I defend.

"Wha- what makes you think I do?!" she stutters a bit but shoots me a grimacing look.

I groan loudly as we keep staring at the handle. She suggests we knock first and I nod in agreement. Oh god, why do we get ourselves in situations like this. This is what happens when you stop going to church and being the perfect little saint your mother always wanted you to be .

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