[20] - hell no we aren't

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Playing makes me feel alive, winning makes me feel like a champ. With one more to the count, me and boys feel better than ever.

The adrenaline is still rushing through my veins, the loud cheering screams fixed onto my head. Yet, the ghost of a proud smile that I saw on Rivera's mouth beats it all.

Maybe it was for her brother. Or the boys. They've gotten close. But my selfish ass wants to believe in the chance of it being for me.

I see it as the same way I felt when she was announced as top student. On the outside I was pissed as fuck. Working my ass off just to be defeated by the girl stresses my nerves is raw.

Still I'd be lying if a part of me didn't like seeing her up there receiving her prize. A weak moment. Besides it was only because I know how much she needed it.

"Earth to Stone" Santi nudges my arm so hard all my thoughts disappear. "What's on your mind, bro?"

"It's nothing" I shrug it off, not missing the way he eyes me suspiciously.

"Usually I have no problem believing that head is completely empty-" I glare at his stupid so last decade comment "-but I know you. Have a girl on your mind?"

His tone is both playful and suggestive. Like he's having similar ones but they're all about sex and that shit. That should be the type of thoughts consuming my brain, yet here I am remembering high school moments of his sister.

Fuck, he'd kill me if he knew. Santi never had to worry about me when it comes to Rivera. We always hated each other too much to even think about it. Despite all my second meaning jokes, it was just to tease her.

Funny shit though, I'd be lying to say my mind never wandered off to going further with her. Not my fault my dick works differently and she's, well, she's- fuck who am I kidding- Rivera's gorgeous.

But she's also my best friend's twin, the girl I've not been able to stand for years and well- her. We're not compatible in any way.

"Nah, just thinking about how you fell on your ass on the rink. Does it still hurt, honey?" I mock pout which makes him smack the back of my head.

"Fucker" he shakes his head "At least I didn't miss the easiest puck ever" that's an exaggeration.

"Fuck off, the stick was the problem there" I push him off, scoffing "Besides I still scored three goals, you barely followed through with one"

"I was kind enough to let you shine this time" he winks and I roll my eyes.

He did not fucking 'let' me anything. But with Santi is better to let him believe that. Pissing him off is like telling a kid they can't do something. Absolute chaos.

What is not a complete mess on the contrary, is the fine ass restaurant Coach prepared for our final dinner.

Quells has been way invested on making it perfect and I gotta give her props. The place looks unbelievable nice. With an inside table that crosses the room that matches the decoration on the outside patio.

A small outdoor bar, hired dj hitting the music up. The waiters ready to server us apart from the buffet on display. Fuck, that looks delicious.

"Hey, man" I turn my head and see Callum, drink in his hand, "No girl tonight?"

What's with everyone asking about girls today? I swear I don't understand. Santi didn't bring anyone either and no one is questioning it. We might all know it's because of Lizzie, but still.

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