[37] - getting caught

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"I should've killed the asshole" Santi rustles his hair, still angry with the events of last night with Ezra.

"Santi" i plead once again "Can we drop this now, we have two more days here and I want to enjoy them"

My brother clenches is jaw before nodding shortly, "You're right, I'm sorry. I just worry about you"

"Good, cause I can already predict I will need medical assistance next weekend on Uncle Hugh's wedding" I change the subject in order to lighten up the mood.

Stanton hisses, "Don't remind me, when did they even got engaged?"

"Who knows" I shrug remembering there was no ring on Christmas "Aaliyah said everyone is a bit sketchy about it"

"At least we will have them to prevent us from dying of boredom" Santi makes a point, a very good one I might add.

Any family event without our cousins would've instant death. Like every other pair of siblings me and Santi can only stand each other alone until a certain point.

Besides, they always got the juiciest of tea about our family. I definitely don't want to miss on that, even if it means having to go to something like this.

"Talking about the devil" I gesture towards his phone when 'mom' pops up on the screen "Your turn to handle her"

He shakes his head with a chuckle before walking to the balcony to answer. I take the chance to grab an apple from the fridge while watching him alce around with phone in his ear.

Their call goes on for about twenty long minutes. My brother's face changes expression every five seconds making it impossible for me to know what's the subject.

Well I assume it's about the wedding. But what is there to talk about so much? Oh no, she's probably suggesting pairing us with some weird friends of her's kids. She always does that and I hate it.

Finally, he hangs up and returns to the kitchen. I study his face and something tells me i won't like this chat. God, please not a weird date.

"Spill it!" I demand impatiently.

"Might wanna explain why our mother just said Ezra's mom told her you and Stone are dating?" Santi lifts a brow and I feel like I'm on the spot. Shit shit shit.

"Last night, when Ezra approached me he pretended to be my boyfriend so the jerk would go away" technically I'm not lying.

He nods, actually believing my words "He must have told his mom and she told ours. Fucker doesn't know how to keep a mouth shut"

"Forget that, I can't take Stone to the wedding" I whisper shout, aware he's somewhere in the house close enough to have a chance of hearing us.

My brother rubs the back of his neck, in thought. Nothing about this situation is easy. It all screams mess in caps.

"Honestly, I think our best option is if you did" I did not just hear him right.


"Turns out mom was trying to get you back with jerkface, if you show up alone she will go back to that idea" he notes, making it sound as bad as it is.

"So you want me to pretend to date Stone?!"

"Look, it doesn't particular sit right with me either. But it's our only option. You've been fighting less, maybe it won't be that hard" he shrugs, face unsure.

The gears in my mind are turning, "What makes you think he will accept this?"

"That guy hates Ezra's guts as much as we do, Kiki." he really does.

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