[31] - memorable days

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"Wake up, sunshines" with my head turned back, I tap my brother's leg a few times. Each with a little more strength.

"Just five more minutes, Kiki" he groans, somehow being the one to wake up both Callum and Tyler.

Sighing, I unclench my seatbelt and open the door. The other boys walk towards the trunk to help Stone with the bags while I deal with sleepy rat. My hands grab his and I start pulling his limp body.

"Leave his ass on the ground" Quells grins wickedly at the scene displaying before her eyes.

Santi glares at her, "Traitor"

Finally, the idiot decides to cooperate and get on his feet outside the car. Quells and a tired Liz join us not long after as we reach for our bags too.

Rika's family house is a beauty to the eyes. I'm pretty sure it's a whole damn massion from how big it is. She said each room has a private balcony, full of comfort and coziness for a late afternoon read. Now I know where I will be spending my days.

"I don't know about y'all but this burning sun is screaming beach day at me" Tyler's opinion is shared by every single member of the group.

Because of so, we waste no time in choosing our rooms and changing into pool wear. Liz separates the food we brought into a different purse so we can enjoy our sandwiches at the beach. Especially since it's already after lunch time and we're hungry.

For outfit of the day I choose a bright red new bikini, also my current favourite one, with medium large straps and v wire style. Thanks to my genes I tan pretty quickly so my toned skin matches perfectly with the color.

To compliment the look, I add my favourite gold jewelry and put on a hemp long sleeved shirt. A whole aesthetic thanks to one my favourite apps, the great Pinterest. I swear I could not live without it.

"Got one of those for me too, freckles?" Callum startles me from behind, pointing to the red clip holding my long half wavy half curly hair.

"Let your hair grow out a bit more and I will gift you one" I tell him knowing the clip would grip more than hair if he tried to use one.

A low chuckle leaves his mouth as his arm wraps itself around my shoulder. With all his eight on me we walk together towards the beach, catching Zeke on the way.

"Up for a swim, Kiki?" the brunette asks with a mischievous grin I know too well by now, even though is not as often that Winston lets this wilder side of him show.

"You better not dare, Zee " ignoring my- not that much- serious look, he does dare and holds me in bride-style "Zeke!"

When he throws me in the cold water I'm too lost in my hyena laughter to get mad at him. Santi and Collins join us inside, starting a water fight I intend to win.

"Agh, that looked like a good shirt" my brother mocks my completely drenched cover. Thankfully it's just water so it won't get that much ruined.

Flipping him off i shout to Liz, "Can you put it next to our towels?" she nods and I mouth a thanks. Then, turn to my brother with war in my gaze "I think your hair needs a makeover, bro"

"Don't even think about it!" he shouts already swimming far away.

"Chicken" my comment receives a middle finger in return.

In the same moment I watch Stone dive into the water, becoming my next victim when I realise he's trying not to wet his hair. The poor innocent soul. In my defense, he put himself in this position, no one enters the water with the intention of only getting half wet.

"I will distract him and you attack from behind" Zeke suggests and I share an evil smile with him.

Callum must hear our plan because, from the corner of my eyes, I can see his gaze glinting with anticipation. I float closer in silence, shaking my head at how easy to distract Stone is.

Once I'm ready I use all my strength to jump on it and create enough pressure to drag him down. His body stays underwater for a couple seconds before springing up to the surface.

"Oops" i bite my lip to contain my laugh.

"You're so dead, Rivera" he catches me before I'm able to get away from his large body.

And so he starts tickling me, "No, s-stop!" i shout between breathless laughs.

"Can't hear you, Kie" the use of my old nickname makes my body still, unsure I heard correctly. He detects the action and his gaze becomes almost regretful.

"Giving up so soon, Damien?" the word feels strange in m mouth, maybe because I rarely say it or maybe because the weight behind it.

Overstepping boundaries has always been something me and Stone were very aware of. There's things that are just too far. We've both always respected that. Calling him by his first name has always been one of those. Thus why you never heard anyone from our group say it.

Apart from that one or two times I did. The word was out before I could hold it back. To my surprise he never got angry, not about that. So this right now it's testing unknown waters. He breaks one of my highest walls and I break one of his.

"From you? Never" the smooth whisper of his voice in my ear creates a shiver that travels all the way down my body. He adds, "I like tormenting your life way too much"

I realise we're dangerously close and memories of an insatiable night make their comeback to my mind. It almost causes me shift closer and cease the distance. But i don't.

"You're becoming softie, Satan" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Had to draw your attention away somehow" not giving me time to process his words. he throws me into the water creating the biggest splash of my life.


The cold water hugs my body as I fall down. Slowly I rise back and brush the liquid out of my face. I drench my soaking hair and throw it behind my back.

Feeling tired I return to my towel, where the girls lay tanning. Quells passes e my green cap so I can protect the roots of my hair while I take a quick nap. One I've been needing since we arrived.

More or less than three hours go by until the sun starts to set. After my short sleep, me and girls gossiped just between us before we were interrupted by Ty who dragged us into a volley game.

Now we're back sitting in the sand as we play the third game of UNO. Callum is on a blocking spree seeing that me and Liz haven't been able to play in two rounds. Not to forget Zeke is also full with the plus two cards.

"HA! Go get four, asshole" Santi expresses in victory.

Ty groans, "You should do this to Scott, not me man!"

Ignoring the two I finally get to rid myself of the six cards with the number 5. Now I'm down to just two cards, equal to Quells' cards.

"I change colors to blue" Liz announces and we turn our heads to Stone waiting for his move.

"Fuck no!" Callum throws his head back dramatically when he sees the plus two card.

"Watch out, Kiki is almost winning" Zeke points out and I gape feeling his betrayal.

Turns out we're all very competitive.

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