[02] - error on the system

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"Santiago, make sure your sister doesn't get herself into some craziness this time" my mother sternly complains as she walks into the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I will look out for her" he assures and she glances between us before sighing.

"I will be away for work, if you need anything ask that father of yours" she asserts before answering some call and wandering off.

I try my best to hide the eye roll I shoot her but my brother catches it. He gives me a skeptic look and I take a deep breath. Not worth it, Kiara.

"Father will want to have dinner, what do we say?" I ask Santi, running out of excuses to avoid these encounters.

"The truth, it's the first week of school and we will be busy going to parties" he shrugs.

That's obviously not what I will say but I don't tell Santi that. It's not like he would be any helpful anyway.

A ring of my phone brings me back to reality. Liz is outside waiting for me and we're already late. Great way to start this year.

"Please don't embarrass me today" I tell Santi and he flashes me a wicked grin.

"I promise to try, but sooner or later people will find out you're my sister" he notes and I groan mentally.

Being the hockey team's captain's sister is a complete nightmare. And I'm sure this year will be no different.

Once I catch sight of Liz I get inside the car while she goes on a rant about our classes and professors. She's in design major and I'm in business' so we have no classes together.

It doesn't affect us at all, after last year we got used to it and to be honest classes are not the place where I socialize. Outside is the real deal.

"First thing we're doing is go see our dorm" she announces and I nod in agreement. "Oh and don't forget tonight is the party" she reminds and I nod, not having forgotten it after she rambled for two weeks strong.

As Liz parks the car I take a careful look at the college. It has got an old vintage kind of aesthetic. Like the ones you see in movies. Is decotemos a dream although inside it's the complete opposite.

Even though the library and a few other sections were kept in the old fashion way, most classrooms, dorms and halls are now fully equipped with technology.

Like for example the reception. It's like doing a check in on a hotel from how fancy it is. Not that our former college wasn't elegant-in its own way- it was. It's just different I guess.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" the lady asks and Lizzie flashes her a kind smile.

"Hey! I'm Liz and this is my best friend Kiki, we're new here and we booked a dorm together" she informs, further explaining a few more details.

"Elizabeth Morris?" the lady- who name I found out to be Lisa- asks.

"Yes, that's me!" Liz nods.

"Your dorm number is 208, however you're the only one signed up for a dorm in our system. Your roommate is Raquel De La Vega, on the second wing" Lisa presses her lips together, showing us the computer's screen.

Great. Of course something had to happen. Why can't something just go right for me once. Just once.

"What?! That can't be right" Liz crosses her arms, clearly unhappy with this news.

"I'm sorry, but we have no register of Miss Rivera wanting a dorm. And unfortunately we have no left" she adds the last part, killing every chance of hope I had.

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