[49] - she's. the. only. one.

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Me: kie answer my calls
Me: just tell me what i did wrong
Me: was it too much? is that it? fuck, i'm sorry
Me: at least tell me u got home safe
Kiara: *read three days ago*

I stare at the messages once again. Waiting for some miracle where she finally answers, even if it is the most simple response. It never comes.

"Cheer up dude, we win some we loose some" Callum pats my back, pulling me back to the current reality.

"Yeah, I know" laying my head back against the wall, I almost scoff at the irony.

In one week, I was able to get Rivera to ghost me out and the team to loose their first game after four wins a row. Funny thing, I couldn't care less about the stupid game.

He eyes me carefully before sighing, "Everything's going to be fine, I'm sure" his words only sink in when I remember he knows about me and Kiara.

Did she- "I'm not asking, but if I was asking would you tell me?" somehow Callum understand exactly what I'm trying to say.

"Look I can't really say anything, cause of best friends code and all" he mouths a 'duh' "But give her some time and think of ways to fix things"

"Any advice on how I should do that?"

"I'd start by coming clean first" my gaze follows his finger pointing at Santi "And maybe I'd figure out if I was serious about it too"

My jaw ticks, "Thank you"

"I know, I'm pretty incredible" there is the Callum I know "You should definitely do what I say though, it's been proven to work"

"You and Collins?" a spark of amusement plays at my lips.

"Did Kiki tell you anything?!" his jaw drops and I can't help but chuckle.

Shaking my head I say, "We might have exchange some opinions on it, but I knew way before she said anything. It was pretty obvious" I shrug cause it really kinda was.

"Look who's talking" he mutters under his breath just before wandering off to the showers.

While I'm undoubtedly happy for two of my best friends, I can help but feel a small punch on my gut. The thought of me and Rivera being so close to it only for everything to be ruined now. It stings.

Letting myself drown in thought, I rewind back to what Callum told me. Figure out if you're serious about it. That's the million dollar question, huh.

I'm pretty sure I have my answer.

Then, I look at Santi once more and let out a long deep breath. Come clean. Yeah, easier said than done. I'm totally on the blind here. Will he murderer me in cold blood, or torture me slowly? 

Besides how am I supposed to bring it up? Hey man, wanna know something funny? I've been fooling around with your sister. That really doesn't seem the way to do it.

Still, whatever's making Kie distance herself I'm pretty sure she hasn't shared it with Santi. He's acting normally with me. Unless it's his way to torture me.

"Pretty sure one of the other guys broke my ribs" talking about the devil, my best friend approached me with a hissing expression.

"Blame your fragile bones for that" i taunt.

"Fuck off, I've been training" he flexes his muscles to prove it and I can't help but chuckle.

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