[08] - potato potahto

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In the following day's afternoon I take the chance to work on a few assignments on my computer while listening to music.

Hating to accumulate too much work and knowing if I don't do it now I will end up procrastinating, I spent around four hours getting it all done.

By the end, my eye hurts and so does the bridge of my nose due to my glasses. My sight isn't too bad but when I'm working I prefer not to risk it.

I run my hands on my face, feeling a bit exhausted, when I hear a knock on my door. After mumbling a quiet 'come in' I watch Callum walking towards my bed and falling on it.

"Hey, Scotty" I chuckle when his answer his a muffed 'hi'.

He stretches his arms and rolls over until his belly is pointed to the ceiling. He glances up to me and I flash him a sheepish smile.

"Whatcha doing, freckles?"

"Just finished some work, you?"

"Got tired of beating your brother at fifa so I decided to come bother my favourite Rivera twin" he shrugs.

"Oh, he's going to be in a bad mood for at least another hour. Rivera's hate to loose" I scrunch my nose slightly and he chuckles.

I put the MacBook on the floor and schooch next to him, staring at the ceiling as well. It's surprisingly more comfortable than I thought.

"You sure you don't want to wear my jersey tonight?" he wiggles his brows and I chuckle softly.

"Are you trying to ruin my chances of getting laid tonight, Scotty?" I cock a brow and he gasps.

"Are those your true intentions, Kiara Rivera?" he fakes shock.

"Like you wouldn't like to fuck someone yourself" i scoff.

He shifts his body until his completely turned to me, laying on his side with his head in his hand. He studies me for a moment before a wicked grin grows on his lips.

"Don't try to put this on me, we're focussing on you" he defends and I raise a curious brow "Tell daddy what's your type?"

"Daddy?!" I try to hold it back but end up bursting out loud.

He quickly joins me and we begin to sound like two hienas. God, I can't believe this idiot just called himself daddy.

"I'm impersonating my internal fictional book character" he explains and my stomach starts hurting from laughing so hard.

"Callum Scott reads?" I gasp.

"Hey! I'm Garret Graham number one fan" he points out and I'm actually shocked.

Now, I wasn't expecting that-

"He is the standard" I agree, nodding.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you enjoyed the chapter where he helped Hannah" he gives me a knowing look.

I rub my hands in both embarrassment and disbelief of this guys guts. I smack his shoulder and he laughs. Idiot. Well, at least it's 'The Deal' and not some dark romance book. That would be embarrassing.

"So you like the golden retriever guys?" he grins evilly "You know I've been told I'm one myself"

"Oh shut up" I roll my eyes and we both laugh.

"Not even a little smooch?" he closes his eyes and his lips going into kiss form. When I don't do anything- but laugh at him- he peeks with an eye and pouts.

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