[26] - midnight risks

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"Make me proud, Kiki" Collins shouts in my ear so I'm able to hear through the loud music busting out the speakers.

"You're so gonna lose, sis" Santi taunts from the other side of the table.

As if. My record of beer pong is remarkable, especially against my brother, I'm determined on proving that to all our watchers at the moment. Besides, the fact that Stone is my other opponent only fuels my eager to win.

I can feel his eyes on me the whole time, but resist on meeting them. Right now, my only focus is to beat both their asses along with Tyler. The perfect person to have on my team, best player in town- until i came along.

Grabbing the ping pong ball, I eye the left cup carefully as I study all my options. After finding the best angle and tapping the table twice with the ball, as my luck giver gesture, I bounce throw the round object.

We all watch as it slowly rolls through the thin air, causing the suspense to rise and leave us all impatient. Finally, the ball lands on the liquid with a small splash. The corner of my lips tugs into a victory grin, while the crowd cheers at our win.

"You were saying, Santi?" my brother flipping off only serves as fire to my already hatched glory.

"Fuck, yes!" Collins high fives me with both hands before dragging the filled cup towards Santi's mouth. He laughs mockingly as my brother takes the drink with an annoyed expression plastered across his face.

When my brother's eyes shift to mine I know I'm fucked. I try to tell I'm to back off but a bubble of laughs possesses over me, until my belly physically hurts, and my words come out almost in murmurs.

He reaches over me with his arm, rubbing my hair until its completely out of my place. I elbow his his ribs, freeing myself, while Stone watches closely yet in silent. Still, my eyes don't miss the ghost of a smile in his mouth.

"With that excuse of a top you're gonna end up flashing us all instead of just Stone, this time" he points towards the thin material barely covering my boobs. My gaze flies to Stone's, whose brow are narrowing deep in confusion.

"I told you not to remind me of the restaurant's disaster" slapping Santi's shoulder, I shoot his best friend a 'play along' sharp look.

"It's just to funny, sis" i ignore his loud laughter "At least it was Stone out of all people, I trust my man to never go there"

That has both of us swallowing hard. Too late, bro, too late. Fortunately hes long gone before he has the chance to question the sudden awkward tension. Out of reflex, I rub my nails through my arm not sure what to do.

A few familiar faces walk by, greeting both of us. We do our bests to hide the uncomfortablenesses but the big elephant in the room is clear as the day. Even though is night. Whatever.

"Babe, there you are!" the way too familiar high pitched voice, punches me right in the gut.

"Of course" I mumble to myself before walking out without glancing back.

While I slice through the sea of people, the sight of Santi and Lizzie dancing together almost covers every other bad feeling I carry at the moment,. They look happy with one another. Quells seems busy with a tattooed girl as well.

I guess I will be the only one not having my midnight kiss. Even the bartender guy has found himself a girl. Rolling my eyes at myself and this whole situation, I step inside the first room I find. Hopefully it's mine.

Only problems is, it isn't in fact my room but Stone's. The football ball confirms it straight away. Fuck, what else universe huh? Sighing, I reach for the bathroom's door handle. Twisting it repeatedly, I curse when it doesn't move. Great, it's locked. That wasn't me.

I should leave.

"Finished running away from me?" Satan's husky voice  and the sound of the lock startle me.

No, no, no. Go away you fucking idiot.

"Go back to your girlfriend or whatever, Stone" I try to move towards the door only for him to stop me by softly holding my arm.

"Jealous, princess?"

"In your dreams, asshole"

A throaty low chuckle escapes his mouth. Not sure what's so funny. My eyes avoid meeting his which only makes his grip tighten, not enough to hurt me, an I'm forced to face him properly.

"Then please do enlighten me why you looked so pissed when she approached me" the amusement is all painted across his face and the urge to punch him only grows inside me.

I scoff in disbelief. "Maybe because it fucking feels like you're throwing in my face that the kiss was a mistake. I'm not one of those girls you lead on, Stone, I regret it as much as you" spatting the words in his face feels surprisingly good.

"Kiss? I thought you had flashed me your tits, Rivera" this jackass did not just try to make joke.

"God, you're unbelievable" I shake my head.

"And you're unbelievably stupid if you truly believe that kiss was a mistake" he retorts and I still in place, "Just like last year wasn't either"

My whole body tenses. Last year. The night I called my brother a thousand times because I had just seen our father and the man, he cheated on our mother with, beat each other in the middle of the night. Yet it wasn't my twin who showed up, no, it was Stone.

In that moment, we forgot who we were. How much we despised each other. Stone held me in his arms until I felt myself calm down. He gave me a confort I had never experienced before.

We laughed, drank and somehow it ended in us making out. So intensely i hadn't felt so alive in a long time. I needed an escape and he was right there. The next morning he didn't remember anything, the only proof being my lipstick in his mouth.

"Don't act like you're the one who had to live with the flashbacks of what happened" my remark has his eyes widen in shock.

"You remember it all?"

"I do and I fucking hate it, Stone"

"Why, what makes it so unbearable for you Rivera?" his words catch me off guard. He can't be serious. The reason is obvious.

"It's you and me. Simply doesn't work. We hate each other!" I argue.

The sentence is followed by a brief moment of silence between us. Outside, someone shouts that the countdown to midnight is about to start. He should be going back to Mackenzie. Why isn't he? Instead, Stone eyes me closely.


"Yet you still want me as much as I want you" my brain barely processes his words "Tell me I'm wrong, Rivera" he challenges.


"Stop this bullshit, Stone" I keep my voice steady.


"Tell me I'm wrong, Kiara" he says again.


"I'm not falling for your games, Damien" i shoot back.


"Tell. Me. I'm. Wrong. Princess."


"I fucking can't. There, I said it. Happy now?"


"That wasn't so hard now was it?" he smirks, clearly amused.


"It doesn't matter, if Santi finds he-" I don't get to finish the sentence.


"Fucking shit, you're as thick as it gets" he groans before smashing his smooth tender lips in my full, defined ones.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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