[47] - where it all began

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{12 years ago}


Santi is always annoying. Now he's got a friend to be annoying with him. Rich boy, Damien Stone.

He's got brown soft hair, blue eyes that I really like to stare at- don't tell that to them- and this big ugly smile. Not like ugly ugly, he just does it so much I can't even look at it anymore.

Stone is Santi's best friend as they've been attached to the hip old events both our parents and his attended. I never liked those so I stayed with grandma while Santi always went.

Nonetheless, I've been hearing about this boy for as long as I can remember. Maybe my brother has some kinda of crush or something. I swear, he never stops talking about him!

Or perhaps it's because Stone is my brother's only friend. But then again who would like a weirdo like him. Sometimes I can't believe we're actually twins.

"Kie, take your barbies out of the way so I mom can make a bed for Stone there!" Santi complains, pouting to the toys on the floor.

I frown, "You were the one playing with them!"

"Whatever, they're still your toys" he crosses his arms and i roll my eyes.

"You put them back where they were" I mimic his posture, arms crossing and my brows narrowed.

A long sigh is heard from behind, "What is it this time? Stone is almost here and you two are fighting again"

"It's nothing" Santi rushes to say "We just realised we forgot to put our toys away"

"Kiara Rivera, go clean that mess" our mother's glare lands on me "And don't dare to argue, you're already stressing me more than you should"

Huffing, I do as she says but not without sending daggers through my stare to Santi. He knows damn he was the one to leave them there.

I can't say I'm surprise mom had to turn it into something against me. As if I did anything wrong. The story of my whole life. Santi is the golden child everyone loves and I'm...not.

"Christine, your guest is here" my father grunts from the other room.

My mum sighs before yelling back, "He's our guest. Do me a favour and act like a goddamn parent for once!"

"Great, now they're fighting" Santi scowls before flashing me a look of regret "Sorry I made her be mean to you, it wasn't my intention"

"It's fine, she'd find something else to shout at me about anyway" I shrug.

Santi doesn't get to say anything else as the doorbell rings downstairs. The chaos from before is quickly covered with fake smiles as my mother opens the door.

The blue eyed boy walks inside, with the same grin as always, and bro hugs Santi. Then he turns to my mother and greets her all politely.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Ms Rivera" as the words leave his mouth, Stone hands her a flower "I brought it for you, as a way to thank you for letting me stay here"

"Oh my dear, that's so nice of you!" she takes it with a wide smile "You could teach these two how to be so polite and kind, especially Kiara"

"Santi's twin" he averts his eyes to mine "He has told me so much about you, but never said you were this pretty"

Ew, do girls really fall for this? "He's my brother, it be weird if he said anything about that" i deadpan.

"You're funny" he smiles "Doesn't match your princess looks, but it's cute"

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