[48] - but i did.

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{1 year ago}


As my eyes slowly begin to open, I feel my head heavy and everything around me dizzy.

Lifting my head, I notice the whole house is still trashed from the party me and the guys threw earlier. I reach for my phone and read 02:23 on the screen.

After glancing around one more time, I only catch sight of Santi who's laying on the opposite couch while snoring. He looks like he drank way more than he should've.

I stand up and stretch my arms, feeling my muscle sore from the uncomfortable place I passed out on. Then, I walk towards the kitchen and grab a glass of water.

The cold liquid floats down my throat and I finally start to wake up for real. However, if that hadn't do it the phone ringing only a couple seconds later definitely did it.

I check to see if it's mine, it isn't. Moving again I realise it's Santi's. Who the fuck is calling at two in the morning? Must be some kind of prank or some shit.

Ignoring it, I begin to clean the mess that installed itself in the house. Barely two months here and we manage to completely destroy it with one party. Great.

The phone goes off again and my brows narrow at it. This person is insisting. I sigh and finally pick it up, checking the name of the contact.

Rivera? Wait, thirty missed calls?!

My fingers twitches, wanting to answer, but my pride stops me. It's not like she will be happy if I'm the one taking the call.

Besides I really don't need to her voice right now. I'm good, in college, away from her insufferable presence. She's even been out my goddamn mind. Barely. But she is.

Then again, no fake hate I try to convince myself that I feel towards her can cover the need to make sure she's okay. To cover my worry. God, I sound like a fucking idiot.

Finally answering it, she says "Santi? Finally, I can't really explain but I need you to-"

Fuck, that sweet delicate voice. I hate it.

"Santi's asleep, it's Stone."

"-oh." she pauses hesitantly "Can you wake him up?"

"From the way he's snoring like a bear, I'm afraid nothing I do will work" the guy has the heaviest sleep I've ever seen.

She clears her throat, "Okay, forget it then"

I should. I really fucking should. End both our suffering of having to speak more than one word to each other. But for some reason, I don't.

"Tell me what you need, Rivera"

"Um, can you pick me up?"

"Send me the address, I will be there" I try to stop my jaw from tightening.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was left somewhere by the people she calls 'friends'. Except for Lizzie, she's okay, the rest I couldn't care less. Especially that stupid boyfriend of hers.

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