[24] - happy christmas

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"Kiara! Kiara! Kiara!" an annoying voice wakes me up from my princess sleep.

"What, Jasper?!" I keep my eyes close, hoping he will go away and leave me alone.

"I'm hungry" realising I'm not getting up anytime soon he starts poking my arm. Groaning, I force myself to stand on my feet.

Looking around, Aaliyah is sleeping on the other side of the bed while the boys snore on the floor. That looks uncomfortable.

Apart from the massive headache I have right now, my whole body feels like jelly. I even have to hold on onto the wall before walking. Low iron problems, I guess.

"Why do you smell so weird?" the younger boy questions after taking sniff at me.

"It's a new perfume" yeah, called tequila. Not very expensive and can also function as a drink.

Once we reach the kitchen, i turn the TV on hoping it will entertain him while I cook. Through the window I can see that the sun has barely risen which only confirms me it's way too soon.

Our backyard looks like it suffered an earthquake mixed with tsunami. Mother will have fun cleaning that up. Even more blaming us for it.

As I finish preparing the food, my phone rings from the other side of the counter. Checking if Jasper is busy, I pick it up and answer my father's call.

"Hello, father" even though it's pretty obvious, I try to hide my disappointment.

Neither of my relationships with my parents could be defined as amazing. Thus why such formalities as to how I acknowledge them. But I was always less close with the man who contributed to my birth.

"Kiara, I'm sorry for not saying anything until now. Got busy with work, you know how it is" there's no point in hiding that I'm aware that's utter bullshit.

"Okay" I shrug.

"Just went to the bank, this month's money must drop later today" he informs, hesitant on what much to say.

"I will text when it does" or when it doesn't.

"Happy Christmas, Kiara" he sighs in defeat against the phone "Tell Santiago I miss him"

"Happy Christmas" with that I hang up.

Our father bailing on us on important dates is no surprise. He did it on my brother's last birthday, then on our supposed week together on summer holidays and now too.

The patience I have to deal with his afterwards excuses becomes less everyday. Because I'm the one having to do it, everytime. Santi is too caught up in having fun to care.

I don't blame him. That's exactly what he should be doing. What we should be doing. But I can't. Not when our parents don't know how to be adults.

"Jasper, come get your food" leaving the plate on the counter, I wander off to my mother's office and scroll on my phone.

Deciding to check the hundred messages on the groupchat, my brain tries to decider every topic they ramble about.

#Sexy Barbies#
Quells: coach asked me to tell u, he's only allowing alcohol in new year's eve boys.
Callum: he's the ggggg
Collins: party at our house then ;)
Zeke: i'm not cleaning the mess this time.
Collins: u sound like my mom.
Callum: *maybe he fucked her*
Dipshit: he fucked yours too
Lizzie: EW.
Quells: where's kiki when we need her, this is way too much male energy.
Me: missed me?
Me: no 💘

Just I hit send, Callum sends another five thousand messages in our individual chat. Struggling to breathe due to how hard I'm laughing, I finally respond to the poor guy.

Landon texted me quite a few times too. Feeling almost bad for everything that happened, I send a quick text. Explaining how I've come to the conclusion he deserves someone who is certain of they want and that's not me at the moment.

The fact that he doesn't get mad or annoyed only makes my gut twitch even more. I shouldn't have prolonged this as much as I did.

"They're planning new year's eve already?" Santi enters the room yawning.

I deadpan. "It's in a week"

"Really? I thought it was five months away" he returns with sarcasm.

"We're not going to grandma's this year" I inform him, noticing the small clench of his jaw "Father got caught up with some shit"

The only reaction I get is a quick tensed nod. After the divorce, we began to spend less time with the other side of the family. A house that used to hold so many good memories is now one we haven't visited in two years.

My grandparent's were always very reserved on their thoughts about what happened with our parents. They assured their only worry was the two of us, but except for a few get togethers here and then, we don't see them much anymore.

Things changed so much we don't even know what our cousins from that side are doing at the moment. We were so close and now we could be strangers.

"There you guys are" Aaliyah comes into view.

"How are we surviving the next couple days?" Oliver groans as he falls onto the empty spot on the couch, next to me.

Me and Santi exchange a knowing glance. "There's an arcade around here. I'm in the mood to destroy y'all" the smug on his face translates his delusion.

It's obvious I'm the one winning. Acing at arcade games is what I do. Too many years competing against Stone gives you this skill.

"And then clubbing at night, yeah?" Oliver grins.

"Don't get any ideas" his eyes snap to mine, ready to argue "Santi isn't getting near drugs anytime soon" my tone is almost a mom one but I'm so serious I don't even care.

"Are you insinuating something, cuz?" the younger boy gasps in fake disbelief.

Smacking his arm I say "Are you going to tell me you don't have cocaine on your bag?" to me and Aaliyah was no shock when we found the two completely stoned in my brother's car.

"I do not" his awful attempt of a poker face has me rolling my eyes.

"Right and I'm Santa" i retort.

Receiving a middle finger, I sigh and return to my phone. Collins was quick to make a post about the party they're hosting which has already 3 thousand likes.

New year's parties are a common thing and I wouldn't be surprised if a few of our neighbours hosted one of their as well. The competition will be high, with everyone wanting to have the best party.

Knowing my brother, he's already with a few ideas in his mind to make it unforgettable. From jumping to the pool from the roof to creating a bomb, it's all possible with that idiot.

My goal for that night is easy. Dance and drink with my girls until my feet burn. Then, if I feel like it, maybe find a hot dude to kiss at midnight.

Breaking things off with Landon now was not my best timing, but to be honest I'd be wasting a kiss. He wasn't bad, not at all. But something tells me I wouldn't enjoy the weight brought with it.

Besides my mind is focused on something else. Just because my love life is a complete failure doesn't mean my best friend's has to go down the same path.

I've always said I wouldn't get in the middle of her and my brother's business, but they move slower than a goddamn turtle.

Would it be so wrong to give them a little push?

𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐

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