[14] - my own reflection

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Right now, I'm cursing myself in every way I can think of. I should know this was just another of Stone's plans. Maybe I do, deep down, and yet here I am going after him.

My hand pushes the door further open and I'm met with complete silent. Everything happens so fast I don't even have time to react.

Stone wraps his hand on my waist and pushes me against the wall. Shiny green eyes look at me so intensely I can barely focus.

"Boxers with your name on them, really Rivera?" he mocks unimpressed.

"You ruined our bathroom's mirror and my lipstick" i defend, pointing out how his was a lot worse.

"Always a drama queen" he rolls his eyes.

"Always acting like nothing is a big deal" i retort.

To him things always have a solution. It's like he lives in his own distant world where nothing has consequences. Where he has a free pass to act however he wants and not deal with it after.

"Look at where worrying about things too much has gotten you. I'm good doing things my way" the words are like a punch in my gut.

"Yeah it seems to be working out perfectly for you" if what I'm implying isn't clear enough, my expression sure does sell it.

He laughs. Actually fucking laughs like I just said the most funny joke ever. My reaction to his momentarily insanity is a mix between wide brows and the corners of my forehead creasing.

The whole mood between us has now changed. We're no longer even thinking of the pranks themselves. The conversation shifted towards a completely opposing path.

"You think this is funny?" I cross my arms.

"I do, actually"

"Please do enlighten me"

"You really don't realise how similar we are, do you Rivera?" he shakes his head "As different as how methods are look at our lives. I'm the popular hockey captain every girl wants to fuck. You're the sweetheart with a feisty personality every guy falls for.

Still, behind all that there's the dark and ugly parts. The truth we prefer to avoid. The damage we've caused and that we carry as a burden. In the end, we end up in the same place" he finishes.

"That's not true" I swallow hard, knowing his fully right.

"It is and you know it. In fact, you hate how much you find yourself relating to me from time to time. You hate that I've got you all figured out, just like you've got me" I can see he shares the same feeling towards that fact.

"No one will ever be able to have you figured out, Stone. I just see you for what you truly are and that's what you hate. Because no charm, no sweet nothings or whatever bullshit crap you come up with won't fool me" I fire back.

"Looking at you is like staring right back at a mirror and seeing my own reflection. It's a burning flame crawling up my neck" the feelings mutual, I want to say.

But I don't. Whatever words I try to get out, stay stuck on the back of my throat. He's right, fuck for once he is. How insufferable is to have a reminder of how damaging you are every hour, minute, second?

That's what we are to each other. A constant reminder. Two fucked up shitheads who compete to see who's got it better pulled up together. Who hides that darkness with more ease.

Anyone would probably find it crazy, toxic, unhealthy. Whatever you wanna call it. Me and Satan, on the other hand, find it exciting.

It's like having your own conscience in human form. Always trash talking yourself, being your own worst enemy. Keeping it real when everyone lies.

"And did you see Mackenzie's face? Fucking priceless-" the sound of unknown voices startles both of us.

As fast as my reflexes are, Stone is quicker to pull me into one of the stalls and cover my mouth with his hand. I frown looking down at his skin touching my lips while he shoots me a 'stop that' glare.

I do my best to keep my breathing even and quiet as the two guys enter the restroom. Mentally praying they get it done fast, so I can distance myself from Stone.

The stall isn't big. At all. Which causes him to be all over me. His free hand pressing against the wall, his face lining up with my side profile allowing me to feel his breath on my shoulder.

"I'm telling ya, that Rivera girl is something else" the other guy whistles.

"Without Santiago in the picture, I'd definitely go there" over my dead body, I answer mentally.

My gaze unconsciously locks with Stone's. There's no one hint of amusement from this conversation in those greenish eyes.

"Isn't she living with him and the rest of the hockey boys? One of them is absolutely fucking her, if not all of them" they joke and I almost feel like throwing up.

"Dude, I could bet you she's shagging Stone too. All that hate shit it's probably just a cover up so her brother doesn't find out" I almost ruin our cover up by laughing at their statement.

Stone confirms he realised it, when I feel his hand slightly pressing harder against my mouth. He does it as a warning but I take it as a cue to recompose myself.

"I don't know man. Stone isn't the type to stay with some chick for too long, not without having someone else" every single bone inside me is begging me to snort at the comment but I stay quiet.

The six foot tall rock in front of me doesn't gaze at the words, nor does he react in the slightest. If he was in some way affected or annoyed, he doesn't show it.

The two guys finally wander off and we stomp off the stall. I don't bother asking his thoughts on their words, even though a part of me is curious to know what he would say. That if he would spare to share 1% of his mind with me. Very unlikely.

"The girls want to hang out, tell Collins i won't be needing his ride home today" I don't bother waiting for his answer before I storm off.

Spending one more second inside that room with Stone would be complete torture. For both of us. The walker topic was over and we weren't going to small talk either.

So I brush off our encounter and find the girls. They're exactly what I need right now to occupy my mind with something else.

We go grab something to eat and end up gossiping with each other until after 1 am. When I get home everyone's asleep, which I'm honestly grateful for.

In silence i tiptoe to my room, change into my pajamas and go to sleep.

𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐


this chapter has been completely rewritten. after re-reading it (and the others too) I realised it was bothering me a lot.

if you are ahead the story already you don't necessarily need to read it, but I would advise you to.

i apologise for all the changes i'm making, just trying to turn the book into a more enjoyable reading for future readers.

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