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one of my favourite parts about writing was without a doubt one character in particular. he's everyone's favourite and deserves his own moment so for every Callum's fan, this is for you.


a few months ago


The bane of my existence.

That's what any sibling is to another. An old they should must definitely get rid off but seem incapable of actually doing it. Okay maybe that's a bit too far, I still someone to annoy everyday of my life.

I mean sure I have Kiki, Tyler, Liz, Quells, Santi, Zeke and Stone... but they're aren't enough. I mean the more the merrier right? Besides anyone would be honor to be around me.

That's what I try to tell my brother everyday but he doesn't listen. Instead he says, and I quote, 'everyday you confirm my suspicions of you needing to be put into an asylum' which ouch, that's kinda rude.

Just imagine caging my non-ending beauty in such a dark, dirty and totally out-of-fashion place like that. At least imprison me in a golden mansion or something.

Or instead, since he's so bothered, he could go to the asylum himself. He's the grumpy one out of the two of us. Me? I'm a sunshine, the cherry on top of the cake, the much-better-and-much-better side character that everyone loves.

Well everyone but Tyler Fucking Collins. Sure he loves me but doesn't love me. Like every time that he sees me feels like his heart is about to be ripped off his chest type of love. Not that I do with him.. of course not. Psssst. I'm. Totally. Not. Nope. Nada. Zero. What a funny joke. Hahahah. 

*insert those passive-aggressive videos of people cutting food with a very sharp knife*

Like I said, couldn't be me. You know who's in love though? Kiara Rivera and Damien Stone that's who. Those two idiots couldn't fool me even if they wanted. And no one else sees it! I'm starting to think my friends need to go to the doctor of the eyes.

Ophthallogist? Ophtamolist? Ophtho- whatever.

"I can see your brain working from here" no one other than Tyler himself startles me with his soothing voice.

"At least I have one" I roll my eyes.

"Woah there, sunshine" he peers his eyes at me, studying my face before stepping closer "What's got your panties on a twist?"

"Right now? You." I shoot him a mocking kiss through the air before adding "Today? My amazing brother"

Tyler frowns. "What's he's done now?"

"Been an asshole, as usual. Everyday I think more that him and Stone would get along just perfectly" I point out because honestly, they would.

I'm not sure for how long I zone out but I can't help trying to imagine my brother and Stone as friends. Nah, wouldn't work, my brother would start bitching up cause Stone's a hundred times hotter than him.

If there's one thing I got, it's the beauty. Have you seen me? No one can resist this body and pretty face, baby. And that ain't even my best characteristic. Everyone's charmed by my personality, I mean how could you not? I'm a human magnet.

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