[03] - the party

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First day's party is legendary. If you miss it, you're already starting the year in the wrong way. If you don't make it the best of your life, you're wasting your time.

From getting wasted with your friends to dancing all night to iconic songs. Playing beer pong and hoping and laughing your ass off when someone ends up jumping out of the roof into the pool. And of course, the typical truth or dare and never have I ever games.

My tip for you? Usually everyone's pretty drunk at these, don't overthink too much what you do. Have fun, make some mistakes. You will end up regretting them, maybe, but you will regret even more if you've never had some excitement in your life.

Besides it's always good to have some stories to tell your kids. Make sure you live your best life, as much as you can anyway.

"We're late" Quells notes as she shakes her head.

"Fashionably late" Liz corrects her with a wink.

The whole house is...mesmerising. There's no valuable reason for a couple of 20 year olds to live in this whole ass mansion. One of them being my dear brother. He never gets tired of bragging about it.

Interlocking my fingers with both my girls we walk inside the party and schootch through the crowd dancing.

"I'm going to get some drinks" Quells shouts through the loud music and we nod.

I exchange a look with Liz as we catch sight of my brother and his friends. We try to ignore his whole existence at first but he seems to have other plans as he reaches over to us.

"What up, sis?" a wide smile takes over on his lips.

"What do you want?" I cock a brow and he fakes a 'what do you mean' expression.

"I just wanted to come and see if my two favourite girls were enjoying our party" he says defensively.

"We were until you showed up here" Liz rolls her eyes.

"Ouch, you're hurting my feelings blondie"

"Suck it"

He stares at her for a couple more seconds before shifting his gaze back to me. He sighs and kisses my forehead before wandering off.

I shake my head to Liz, receiving a small chuckle in return, as she leads the way closer to the dj set. Using her impeccable flirting skills she's able to get a song change and our favourite playlist begins to go off.

She grabs my hand and twirls me around. As shameful as it is we begin our little white girl ass dance. What can I say, it works. That's confirmed when we spot two hotties looking our way.

She flashes me a smirk before grabbing the blond one by his colar and grinding her hips against his. A yell a little mocking 'uhu' as I reach closer to the brunette.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, he pushes us closer to each other, raising the intimacy. His flawless dancing skills impress me and I smile in surprise.

"I'm Diego, you?" he whispers in my ear.

"Kiara" I answer back "Are you from here?"

"Unfortunately no, just visiting" he presses his lips together and I pour slightly.

"Let's make this a memorable night then"

With that I cup his defined jaw and pull our lips into a hot kiss. It's messy, warm and hungry. None of that gentle and caring shit. Just what I was needing.

His hands brushing against the bare skin of waist, just before the edge of my jeans and slightly lower my top. I take the sensation is giving me to deepen the kiss and add my tongue.

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