[05] - a solution to a problem

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Later on the next day, when my hangover has finally passed and my classes are all done, Raquel finishes her tour around the college's facilities.

"And lastly, this is our hockey arena" she announces as my body feels the coldness immediately.

"The season must be starting right?" Lizzie asks.

"Our first game is this Friday" Quells confirms.

"We're have to come!" Liz points a finger at me as to say I can't back out on this.

"I agree with blondie, it's a crime to miss the first game" I'm startled by my own brother as he sneaks behind me.

I just give them a quick nod, knowing it's not worthy to try to fight it. Don't get me wrong, I do like going to the games. I just also drain out of social battery really fast.

"Freckles!" I turn around to find Callum coming in our way "Came to watch me practice?"

"Of course, I'm your number one fan already" I roll my eyes playfully and he smiles widely.

"Hey ladies" Zeke joins us as well, followed by Collins.

"I was just telling them, they have to come to our game on Friday" Santi informs and they all nod in agreement.

"There's an extra shirt with my name on my closet if you want to use it" Callum winks at me and I shake my head.

Santi on the other hand glares at him, causing Scotty to raise his hands in surrender. I would've believed he got actually slightly scared of my brother if there wasn't a ghost of a grin on his lips.

"Talking about closets, you guys have a free room in your house right? I noticed it at the party" Liz suddenly changes the subject and i frown.

What is she doing? I give her a stern look and discreetly shake my head but she completely ignores it and waits for the answer.

"Yeah, we usually keep it for guests" Santi shrugs.

"Well, there was a mistake with the system and Kiki's has no place to stay. I was thinking she could take the extra room" she concludes and I mentally smack her in the head.

"I will do you better, we replace one Rivera for the other" Collins suggests and we all laugh.

"Can't say I'm against that" Zeke adds.

"Fuckers" my brother mumbles as he rolls his eyes and turns to me. "Why am I only finding out about this now?" he cocks a brow.

"I didn't want to be a burden" I shrug.

"Don't-" he stops and sighs "You're more than welcomed to stay with us, okay? Just tell me next time"

I swallow hard and nod. If there's one thing my brother hates is when I hesitate on asking for help. All I want is not to be the sister who's always needing her brother to save her ass.

"Am i tripping or the squad just got even bigger?" Coach approaches with a curious look.

"Coach that's my sister Kiara and blondie here is Liz. They transferred here" Santi explains while the old man looks between us.

"Welcome to the Tigers' family then" he claps his hands together "I see you've met my daughter as well, can I trust you to keep her in her toes?"

He tilts his chin towards Raquel and both mine and Liz's jaws drop. I mouth a 'coach's daughter huh?' and she flashes me an innocent smile.

"I'm afraid it's going to be the other way around, Coach, me and Kiki can be two little devils" Liz doesn't hide the evilness flashing in her gaze.

In the same moment I notice Stone had joined us somewhere in between the last minutes. He holds my gaze for a brief moment, his thoughts still unknown to me and to be honest I couldn't care.

"There's an extra key under the vase, we will meet you there later" Santi informs and I nod.

"Cmon boys, get your asses on the ice" Coach orders and we watch them walk away.

I turn back to Liz and give her a 'what the hell was that?' look. She rolls her eyes and wraps her arm around my shoulders.

"I saw you looking for apartments this morning and they're all too big and too expensive. Besides I don't see what could be so bad about living with five handsome boys" she shrugs.

"She's right, we're definitely creating a group chat so you can tell us all about your days in that house" Quells winks, going along Liz's idea.

"Don't lesbians hate men?"

"We do- after all they're men- but we also have eyes and girl those five are some fine ass men" she nods with her head to emphasise her point.

I groan loudly knowing this is not going to end well. If they're anything like my brother then I will be living with animals.

Not to forget the worse of them- Damien. Now that's going to be the true challenge. I'm just praying we don't set the house on fire by day two. Fortunately, I have a plan: avoid him entirely.

The house's big enough and the only shared room is the kitchen so it can't be that hard, right?

𖤐 ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚ 。 . ⋆ 𖤐


heyy everyone!!

thank you sm for reading my story.
i've been very hesitant on writing it but i'm finally doing it and all the support matters.

i would really appreciate if you could leave your thoughts about the story- until now- in here.

see you in the next chapter, xoxo <3

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