[12] - promise me you won't

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The thing about hospitals is that even if the doctors tell you a couple thousand times that the person will be fine. You just won't believe until you're with them.

Those hours of waiting, bumping your leg, drumming your fingers and overthinking it all. That's the hard past. Because at that point it's you against your mind.

It creates all possible scenarios of things going wrong somehow. And then when you finally are next to them again. Feeling them alive, seeing it for yourself. You finally let yourself breathe.

"Sis, you're zoning out" Santi brings me back to reality and I flash him a small smile.

"Sorry, I'm just still a bit overwhelmed by all of it" I admit and guilt flashes in his eyes "How are you feeling?"

"You've asked me that five times in the last three minutes, I'm okay" he reassured once more.

"Just checking" he raise my hands in defeat.

We both chuckle as Liz enters in the room with food in her hands. She mouths 'I will hand it from here, go rest' to me and I don't even try to argue with her.

"Treating me like I'm your sick old husband, blondie?" Santi jokes and that's my cue to leave.

The hall of the house feels cold and empty. That's how it's been between everyone since we came back from the hospital. So when I walk into the kitchen I'm not surprised to see Callum lost in his mind.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I cock a brow.

"Never do drugs Kiki" he advises and a small chuckle escapes my lips.

"I sense that you're hiding something" I admit and the look in his eyes confirm my theory.

"Just did something stupid" he shrugs and i take the hint to not insist. He seems to be still be wrapping his head around whatever it happen and the last thing he needs is my nosiness.

Tyler joins us, with the same tired look we all are carrying, and steals one of my cookies. I spare him a fake annoyed look to what he returns by winking.

"Good morning, sunshines" he takes the empty chair next to Callum and his mood eases the tension.

"You're way too energetic, this early" Scott comments, eyeing him up down with disapproval.

"I actually can't remember much, shouldn't have mixed alcohol with whatever we took" Collins confesses, turning to Callum "Did I do something stupid?"

Callum swallows and for a moment I'm pretty sure I saw his jaw clench slightly. However maybe I imagined since the second after his face is relaxed and he just shrugs.

"Nothing worth mention"

"So no threesome in the bathroom? Fuck, really thought it would this time" Tyler ticks his tongue on the top of his mouth and I shake my head with a smile.

"If you want it that much, just take the offer from pixie girl and ginger boy from our class" Callum rolls his eyes.

"Maybe I should do it, I don't got any reason not to right?" he sneers causing Callum to narrow his eyes.

"Yeah, right" he agrees with arms crossed.

More than confused of what just happened, I retreat myself from the room as they dive into it. Maybe Liz was right about me needing to rest yet I'm not sure I will be able to.

My latest statement is quickly corroborated, when Stone walks out of his room and we stop just a meter from each other. We both swallow loudly and stare at each other speechless.

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