[32] - truth or dare

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The second day at the beach house is divided in two things. Sleep the whole morning for the lack of it we were in after being up all night. And play volleyball through the afternoon.

As we walk back into the house, Tyler and Rivera both argue about how their team should be the winner. Something about a rule breaker. I'd say I'm listening but I'm really not.

"You touched the ball" Kiara accuses with a pointing finger in my face.

"Always a sore loser" I mumble under my breath.

"I'd have to lose often for that, which I don't. You, on the other hand, must know all about losses" she winks with her arms crossed.

I scoff at the bullshit. "Just when I thought you couldn't get more delusional... you never seem to stop surprising me Rivera"

"And you never stop being a pain in my ass" she retorts.

Smirking, I lean forward coming only a few inches apart her face. Her soft breaths wind against the bare skin between my lips and nose. Her big hazel eyes shine with the moonlight hitting her face, hypnotising me.

"You didn't mind the pain I left on your ass the other day" my voice lowers an octave, so only Kiara hears it. Nonetheless her reaction could be as much as a giveaway for what we're talking about.

"Shit, did something happen? I can't recall" she pauses giving it a thought "Must not have been that memerobable"

My glare zeros on her fake act. "If you wanted a re-do all you had to do was ask, princess"

"Well, Stone, I think you can use that big brain of yours to interpret why I haven't asked. I don't want to." not one bone in me believes her, not even for the slightest. She can pretend all she wants but I have fixed on my mind just how much she liked it.

Hell, fuck if i don't want it too. For the past week I can only think about that night. After so much time wondering how it would be if we just crossed that line, I thought I'd have her out of my system once it happened.

Wrong. It's like she inserted herself deeper in my brain. Her being everywhere I go also doesn't help, much less this little trip. It's only day two and I can already tell shit will happen.

"Okay, you two-" Tyler wraps his arms around me and Rivera "-we're here to have the time of our lives. So, just for this week, could you please call it a truce? You can to back to hating each other afterwards"

"As long as he doesn't piss me off" she shrugs as if she did not just provoke me to bite back.

"Everything pisses you off" I deadpan.

"Oh well" I notice the slight curl of her lips.

"Kiki" Tyler nudges her arm, pleading with his puppy eyes that make him look more like a rat than anything else "Just be nice to each other and everytime if you feel like going at the other's throat, take a deep breath and walk away"

She lifts a brow, "You sound like a therapist"

"I will take that as a compliment"

The doorbell interrupts our interaction. Callum comes back with our pizzas as Liz and Zeke finish putting up the table. I join Santi and lay against the back of the couch.

We share our bets for the champions league groups, like we've been doing since we were kids. Whoever gets closer to the real ones wins while the other has to pay for drinks. The best part of it is to discuss the group of death. Afterall who doesn't want to see some chaos?

"Nah dude, you gotta choose another one" he complains when I make a list too similar to his.

"Fucker" I shake my head.

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