[39] - you're the worst

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Like everything else, our little vacation came to an end. After so many fun moments, memories to remember and laughs that made my belly hurt we're back.

Well, actually, not back at the boys' house. Or back at college. But back to dealing with the reality of life. To put on a fake smile and act like everything's just perfect.

The morning after our night camping was...interesting. Me and Stone woke up cuddled in each other, which we've mutually agreed to ignore and avoid talking about.

It was cold and we were both there. That's all. Besides once I realised his arm was around me I quickly pulled away.

The rest of the day we packed our bags and by the next day- or today- we got on the road. Now, we've just arrived at this cute resort Uncle Hugh chose for his wedding weekend.

"Let's go inside and check in" Santi gestures to the entrance that leads into the lobby.

The whole place is very summer like. A lot of plants, vibrant colours, fresh scents and open rooms. Not to mention everyone around is giving beach vibes.

"Welcome to Silver Springs! You must the last guests for Mr Hugh's wedding!" a smiling, in her twenties, woman greets us.

"Yes, hi, I believe we have booked two suites" I step in checking the info on my phone. The woman nods in answer and hands us two cards.

"Here's your keys, any problems with it please immediately contact us about it." she writes the number on a small paper and gives me it "Can you give me a name for breakfasts and other activities?"

"Kiara Rivera" I tell her my name.

"Perfect! Enjoy your stay." we thank her and rush to get the elevator.

It's large and wide, thankfully, giving us enough space to put all our bags. Even though it's just a weekend, me and Liz came prepared for anything. While the boys, well, probably just brought the suit and some pjs. If even that.

"You guys saw the spa sign? I'm definitely spending the afternoon there" Santi whistles in excitement.

Lizzie nudges my arm, "Join us?"

"As much as I'd love to third wheel-" note the sarcasm "-I was actually thinking of hitting the gym"

"Good, Stone won't have to cry about not having a gym bro then" Santi pats his back, ignoring Damien's glare "But be aware, nobody beats me"

Suddenly I don't feel like going anymore. "Please, you can't shut up for a second and no one likes that when working out" I'm just speaking facts.

"That is not true"

But it is. Might not seem at first but when you look closely most twins are the complete opposite of each other. In our case, Santi doesn't know how to be quiet or still. I, on the other hand, can go into very low social battery and 'let me be' energy.

Especially when it comes to the gym. If I have my headphones on, no matter what, it means leave me the fuck alone. Otherwise, if I wanted to chat, I wouldn't be wearing them to start.

Besides, my playlists can be the biggest boosts of motivation and energy. Whether it is sad music to get me focused, or loud dancing music to keep me going.

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