[44] - you wear mine, i wear yours

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"You're going to be late for your game" I tell Damien for the twentieth time.

"The game doesn't start without me, princess" talk about cockiness.

Then again, it's Stone. Having a bigger ego than him is hard and mine isn't exactly small. At least im humble and conscious.

I scoff, "Remind me again why do I waste my time with you?"

"You can't resist this" he gestures to his body.

"Very questionable of me" I press my lips together, disappointed in myself for falling for Stone's charms.

He, on the other hand, looks thrilled just by that thought. So much it has him pressing me against the lockers and smashing his lips on mine.

My hand left to his neck and hair, gripping it in between my fingers. I open my mouth slightly, allowing his tongue to explore further.

As if the heart shaking kiss wasn't enough to drive to the edge, Damien moves his hand to my waist. Pulling me closer to him, I feel his fingertips digging under my shirt and making skin-to-skin contact.

"Damien.." the words escapes my lips, almost like a whine, when he pulls my bottom lip with his teeth.

His nostrils flare, "Say my name again"

"Damien-" he begins to trace wet kisses all over my neck "-you really have to go"

In answer, he throws his head back and groans. I recover my breath and point to the locker rooms exit.

"Wait" he pulls be back against his chest "I have something for you"

Weird. "What is it?"

I watch as he unzips his bag and takes two shirts from inside, "Wear it on the game"

Frowning I wonder why he's giving me a shirt from our team. I might enjoy watching the games but I wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan.

As if sensing my confusion, he unfolds the material and shows me the back of the shirt. Realisation washes over me and I begin to shake my head.

"Hell no."

"You won't be the only one wearing a shirt with my name, cmon" he tries to convince me but all I can see is the enormous shirt with his last name.

"How to make a girl feel special" I say dryly.

He smiles, "You will be the only one wearing one that's actually mine"

That's still a no. "Not happening."

He sighs and I'm about to let a breath in relief when he unfolds the other one and turns it around as well. Only this time, the 'Stone' is crossed and below it's written 'Kie'.

"You wear mine, I wear yours" this twenty year old is way too excited "Just imagine the look on everyone's faces, it will be hilarious"

"People will think we're-" he cuts me off.

"We are what, fucking? Newsflash princess, we kinda are" dipshit, he knows why we shouldn't want people to think that. More precisely, my brother. His best friend. "Besides, just imagine how pissed Ezra is going to be. That's worth the risk"

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