[30] - i like it

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Turns out everyone was very excited with the idea of spending a week in Malibu. After thanking Rika for the millionth time we all wasted no time packing our bags.

Now two days later, the boys are outside fitting everything in Stone's car while me and the girls prepare the food for the trip. Fortunately his black Ford Expedition Max has seats for all of us, preventing from needing two cars.

You're probably wondering how with three girls there's enough space for all our bags. Well, Rika being the genius she is, always keeps a full closet in the house that she let us use. Besides, we made the sacrifice to reduce the number of shoes we're taking to only three.

Locking the front door of the house, Lizzie hands the food to Callum. We all turn to Rika as my chest clenches slightly, not wanting to say goodbye.

"I'm only a call away, you better use that phone" she warns, pulling both me and liz into a hug.

"Text us when you arrive" my best friend nudges her arm.

Rika nods and then turns to Quells, "Take care of my girls and keep me in your mind, sugar"

Me and Liz exchange a knowing look when we see Quells blush. They share a few more words, followed by Rika waving at the boys.

Sighing we walk closer to the car. It's bigger than I remembered, we're so dead. Tomorrow on the newspaper, eight teenagers suffer an accident because they decide to drive a monster. At least it will be a story to tell.

"How long does it take until there?" Quells asks.

"Around four hours" Tyler shows her the map "Who's going on the back?"

"I'm definitely going, better seats to sleep which I'm in serious need off" Lizzie informs, not wasting a minute to hop inside. Quells joins her in the middle seat.

"Kiki?" Zeke points to the left one.

"You can go, I get awful headaches in those seats" I grimace just from remembering old family trips.

"Well, I'm for sure not going on the front so adios" Callum gestures a military greeting with his fingers before jumping into the middle left seat.

"Last to reach the car takes front seat" when I finish processing my brother's words is already opening the door with Collins right behind him.

I glare my eyes at both. With a sigh I accept my fate and thank to myself for spotify to help me dal with Stone the whole ride.

When I hop into the car, he turns his phone off and without bothering to spare me a glance drives off. Five minutes in, my brother spreads his body all the way to our space, trying to change the song on the radio.

"Santi, lay back and let me do it" I push him off.

"But my playlist is better" he argues and I roll my eyes, showing him I am choosing his precious songs.

Lizzie snorts "Only because I updated it this weekend, before was a complete mess"

"You should be on my side, blondie" Santi lifts his arms in emphasis, meanwhile Liz simply shrugs.

"Ah poor baby, your girlfriend didn't stand up for you" Collins comments mockingly.

That gets him to be shoved by my twin, not strong enough he reacts with a laugh. I catch Callum rolling his eyes and shoot him a you good look to which he drops his shoulders.

I turn back to the road, laying back to feel the softness behind me. The music sets the ambience, surprisingly calming us all down as Frank Ocean begins to play.

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