[11] - he's pretty

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"Kiara Rivera?" the doctor asks.

"Yeah, that's me. Is my brother okay?" I don't miss the chance to ask. Knowing I've done that same question thirty times in the last two minutes .

"We're still taking care of him, but don't worry he's going to be fine" he assures but my brain doesn't let me believe it completely.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Go eat something, make sure you don't get yourself in one of our beds too" he suggests and I nod, even though that's last thing I want to do right now.

I walk back to the waiting room, catching Liz and Stone's attention. Quells and Zeke are waiting in the car with the boys. Doctors said their situation wasn't as bad but they needed rest.

"I need to go to the restroom, will you be okay?" Lizzie slowly asks, actually wondering if I won't do something stupid like kill the guy next to me.

"Yeah, go" I nod in reassurance.

Stone seems to share the feeling of not waiting us to be alone together, since he stands up and walks out of the room. I roll my eyes and take a look around the room.

It has those pathetic draws on the walls I used to find so fun when I was younger. Now, I'm worry if I was with some kind of vision problem because, shit, even I could draw a better giraffe.

That's another thing I never understood. What's with the animal decoration, as far as I know we're at the hospital no the goddamn zoo.

The kids seem to like it enough though. I watch the little girl in the corner of the room trying to copy the draws to a white notebook. Not wanting to judge, but hers are better. And she's not older than six.

She notices me staring and instantly I feel like a creep, a thought she doesn't share since she walks towards me. She smiles and asks if she draw me, I'm not stupid to say no.

"You're really pretty" she comments and a genuine smile replaces the frown on my lips.

"Thank you, so are you" I give her a wink "What's your name?"

"Isabella, but friends call me Bella" she informs and I nod "What's yours?"

"I'm Kiki, short for Kiara" I try to peek at her work of art but she doesn't let me.

We dive into a surprisingly enjoyable conversation where she tells me all about her years of surgeries. I can't help but feel pity for her but don't show it, I'm sure she's tired of it. In return I tell her about my brother as well.

She notes that I seem to care a lot about it and I confirm it with a nod. I really do. He's my rock, my twin. There's no greater bond than that.

My content mood seems to have a limit extent when Stones walks back into the room. Unless, this time he comes with a bag in his hands.

Bella must notice me zoning out when she nudges my knee and wiggles her brows. I frown and shoot her a questioning look.

"He's pretty, is he your boyfriend?" she asks.

"No, we can't really stand each other" I admit, feeling bad for kinda ruining her hopes.

"I wouldn't bring food to someone I can't stand" she points out and I'm slightly confused at what's she's talking about at first. Then I see Stone sitting beside me and taking a sandwich out of the bag.

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